scrub in, scrub out

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"Aren't you excited?" Mark asked with a smile, nudging Areum who was washing her hands in the basin along with him

"Our first surgery...I hope it goes well" Mark said, looking at her uneasy expression even though she was overthinking a completely different thing

"Hey, don't be nervous, it should go fine. It's a pretty small tumour" Mark said, tying on his mask.

"That's not what I'm nervous about" she muttered, doing the same before stepping into the operating room. She looked up at the gallery above them where the other interns were sitting, waiting for the operation to start with notebooks in their hands.

"Alright, let's get started. It shouldn't take any longer than three hours hopefully" Jaemin's voice boomed around the operating room as he stepped in with glasses on the bridge of his nose while the nurses placed his gloves on his hands. He scanned the room quickly, eyes meeting Areum's.

"Patient is sedated and ready for you" the anaesthesiologist said and he nodded, walking over to stand by the patient's head

"Interns for this surgery are Mark Lee and Jung Areum. Both interns are present sir" Jinah stated and he nodded again, deep in thought as he prepared for the surgery. But he couldn't stand the thought of working alongside her for three hours in the small cramped room.

"Dr. Jung. Scrub out please. Don't you have a medical ethics essay you should be doing right now?" Jaemin said without much expression in his voice. The silence that surrounded the room made him look up at her as she shot Mark and Jinah a confused expression

"Was I not clear? Get out." He repeated. She sighed, deciding to just follow his orders. She wanted to ask him why and scream that she had every right to stay there, but last thing she wanted was for him to insult her infront of all the other interns and nurses.

She looked at Mark through the glass windows as she rinsed her arms in the basin again, wiping them with a towel before finding her way into the gallery. There was a small TV by the corner of the ceiling that showed exactly what Jaemin was doing as he skilfully drilled along the bone.

"He really does hate you" Haechan said with a chuckle as he watched her enter the room with a frown. She rolled her eyes and took a seat in the middle of him and Renjun.

"I'm never taking a neuro case again" she groaned

"Sucks to be you, neuro cases are the most fun" Renjun shrugged from beside her

"Well the doctor isn't." She huffed

"He's fine to me" Renjun shrugged and she rolled her eyes, knowing that it was her own mistakes that lead to him being so angry at her.

The gallery was mainly silent, a few jokes between the interns here and there as they bet money on whether Mark Lee would be the next 007. And although Mark seemed to start off nervous, he quickly got the hang of it and Areum smiled being happy for him. It was all going well until—

"Hmm...that's weird" Jaemin said, his voice picking up on the microphone making all the interns turn to the small TV

"What's going on?" Haechan asked from beside her although no one really knew the answer

"Dr. Lee what does this look like to you?" Jaemin asked, looking towards Mark. He moved closer towards Jaemin to get a better look, stuttering as he responded

" looks like a tumour...sir" Mark said and Jaemin furrowed his brows

"Yeah but look, it's not in the same place as the scan" Jaemin said, pointing towards the screen that projected the scan of the patient's brain

"When was this scan taken?" He asked and Mark squinted his eyes to look towards the date

"It says about a week ago sir—"

"It says about a week ago? Did you not take a new scan before the operation? What part of prep the patient for surgery did you not understand?!" Jaemin shouted at him making Mark widen his eyes

"Come on Mark" Areum said under her breath as she viewed the tense situation

"I'm sorry I-I thought this scan was—"

"A week old, that's what it is. Dr. Lee is this tumour benign or malignant?" Jaemin asked sternly


"Meaning?" Jaemin pressed on

"I-It can spread" Mark said with a lowered voice. Jaemin sighed, shaking his head at him before dismissing him quickly.

"I can't go in blind. I'll need an updated scan immediately before I proceed any further. Dr. Lee scrub out, you're off this case." Jaemin said sternly

"Fuck! What the hell?!" Haechan hissed beside Areum making her jump slightly as a few interns beside them groaned, passing money along to those who won the bet

"Looks like we found our 007" Haechan chuckled dryly

"What's a 007?" An intern said from behind Areum, making her turn around to take a look at him before speaking up

"Licensed to kill." She stated with a sigh and the intern nodded

"Isn't he your boyfriend?" He asked and she narrowed her eyes at his resident tag

"He's not. Just a friend—a friend who I should probably go talk to right now" she sighed and he nodded

"I'm Wonbin. We should grab a coffee sometime...Areum" he smiled, reading her name tag and she scoffed looking at the petty cash in his hand

"You bet that my friend would kill somebody. I'd rather stay away from guys like you" she said rolling her eyes, hearing Haechan snicker slightly as she left the gallery in an attempt to find Mark

"Mark..Mark!" She hissed, picking up her steps to follow him down the hallway

"What?!" He hissed turning around to face her with his face almost red with anger

"Are you okay—"

"No. I'm not okay Areum. My best friend just had to go sleep with the fucking neurosurgeon who ended up being our boss and now I'm paying for it. Do you know how unfair that is?!" He asked, cutting her off as his temper rose up at the sight of her guilty expression

"I-I didn't know—"

"I told you seceral fucking times that it was a bad idea to begin with. But you're just so selfish and you only ever think about yourself" he said with anger dripping with each word

"Mark relax—I'll talk to him—"

"No please just stay the fuck away from him and me and just stop making things worse!" Mark exploded finally, turning around again and leaving her alone in the hallway

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