the complex case

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"Alright, so as you all can see we've got an incredibly...complex case on our hands here. A tree branch with a rough diameter of 2.5 inches is lodged through the abdomen" Jeno explained towards the gallery as everyone's eyes lingered on the perplexing visual infront of them

"From the back, where the branch first penetrated through, it's a clean cut. However, at the front, the left kidney is protruding out. The first part of the surgery is removing the branch without cause any further damage to the organs inside and the kidney outside. But if we have any complications we might have to resort to a kidney autotransplantation" Jeno explained making a few of the interns and residents gasp

"And if the sound of that scares scares me to. I haven't done one before and cases like these are extremely rare to say the least. I'll be on a call with a medical surgeon from Shanghai, Qian Kun, who worked on a similar case and will guide us throughout the surgery as best as he can. So, let's get started" Jeno said, turning back to Areum and Haechan.

"I-I don't think I'm good enough for this" Areum said quickly, knowing her shaky hands wouldn't be the most favourable to work with on such a complex surgery

"Both of you are going to hold the branch on either side of the patient while we get the technician in here to saw it down shorter" Jeno said and Haechan held back a slight scoff

"He seriously brought us in here to hold a branch?" He muttered under his breath and thankfully Jeno didn't pick it up—or atleast he pretended like he didn't since his mind was clearly stressed.

"You two need to make sure the branch is stabilised at all times to prevent any more injury or a worst case scenario of her bleeding out. The scans show clearly that we're just millimetres away from surrounding arteries. I need you both to work together on this" Jeno said with stern eyes and Areum nodded quickly.

Jeno moved around to talk to the doctor from China as the nurses carefully let Haechan and Areum take their stance beside the patient, carefully holding up the long branch steadily.

She turned her head to the gallery again, blinking slowly with anxiety as she tried to keep her hands from shaking too much. She was already being called 007 for Seulgi's death, there were rumours about her and Jaemin starting to spread now as well—the last thing she needed was to mess up the hospital's first case like this one.

Her eyes caught onto the surgeon who had just walked into the gallery, eyes carefully scanning the OR floor below him before his eyes landed on hers. Jaemin rested his shoulder against the wall as he held a cup of coffee in his hand, communicating with her silently almost.

She felt her palms grow sweaty against the rough texture of the branch and reality quickly set back in, she couldn't move an inch. She let out a shaky breath as she felt her nerves pick up once again. She looked back up towards Jaemin seeing him give her a small smile and nod, reassuring her that she's got this.

And that's when she felt it.

Her eyes widened and her head snapped over towards Haechan, seeing him blinking rapidly as he fixed his posture to hold up the branch like normal against after accidentally giving into its weight a few seconds ago.

"What's wrong?" Areum hissed, trying not to get the attention of Jeno who was arranging his tool tray while conversing with the doctor online

"Nothing just...think I got something in my eye" he said, squeezing his eyes shut as his vision blurred for a few seconds

"Why didn't you sleep last night?" She asked again just below a whisper and he sighed

"Couldn't sleep so I just decided to do some post-op rounds" he admitted and she rolled her eyes, shaking her head at his motto of 'sleeping when he's dead'

"Alright the technician should be here in the next few minutes. We'll start by sterilising the skin surrounding the wound so there's no chance of infection when we get the branch out. We have a big supply of blood for this surgery so it should—Careful!" Jeno shouted as he watched the branch slowly move towards an angle from Haechan's side. Areum looked over at him with concern again only to see his eyes closed tightly shut

"Dr. Lee, did you just nod off in my surgery?" Jeno asked with anger and Haechan quickly shook his head, wincing at the feeling of his headache only growing worse with movement

"I-I'm fine" Haechan mumbled almost incoherently

"Dr. Lee, step away from the patient" Jeno said slowly, carefully with his steps to not cause Haechan to jump in surprise given the situation he was in. Yet it was still too late.

Haechan felt his vision grow even more blurry as random black spots appeared. His feet stumbled and his arm had lost control of the branch, leaving gravity to push against the stabilised angle. Areum shrieked as she quickly rushed to grab the other side of the branch, raising it steady again as blood spurted along her face and scrubs viciously. A loud thud could be heard from behind her and she turned her head to see Haechan passed out on the ground, body lifeless as only the whites of his eyes could be seen.

"We've cut an artery, apply pressure and stop the bleeding. Dr. Jung, do not move an inch more" Jeno advised quickly as he worked with the theatre nurses to stop the uncontrollable bleeding.

"B-but Hae—What about Haech—"

"Eyes on the patient, Dr. Jung! Someone page Dr. Na!" Jeno shouted,

"I'm here, I'm here!" Jaemin said quickly as he rushed into the OR, a number of interns from the gallery followed behind him with a gurney. Areum let out a light sigh of relief as she watched them carefully pick Haechan up and out of the room.

"Dr. Jung, I need you to focus, okay? I need your mind to be present" Jeno said sternly and she nodded, squeezing her eyes to blink out the tears that were threatening to spill out of her eyes as she held the branch up evenly to get on with the surgery. The technician arrived a minute later, sawing the branch shorter until she no longer had to hold it up.

"Can I scrub out?" She asked quickly to Jeno and he looked up at her through his glasses

"This is the rarest case we've seen in this country for a while and you want to scrub out?" Jeno asked, challenging her and she nodded confidently

"He's my friend. I need to be with him" she explained simply and he stared into her eyes for a few seconds with a slow nod of his head

"Very well then. Dr. Park, Dr. Ning, take over" Jeno said up towards the gallery to the two interns. Jeno looked back over to Areum and gave her a firm final nod before she stepped out of the OR and eventually out into the hospital to find Haechan.

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