the misdiagnosis

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"Where's that Jisoo girl, doesn't she run this place?" Mr.Choi asked as Jaemin and Areum held each side of his body, placing him onto the patient chair that was reclined out for him.

"She's on leave. Holiday in Thailand" Jaemin informed and the patient laughed

"Good. She deserves it. She never took a break" Mr.Choi laughed and Jaemin nodded his head in agreement

"So who's taking care of me today? You and this pretty lady? Is she a nurse?" Mr.Choi asked, smiling over at Areum. 'God I wish I was the nurse' she thought before Jaemin answered for her

"No, this pretty lady is going to be your doctor today" Jaemin said clearly, looking at Areum who shyly tried to hide behind him

"My doctor...must be my lucky day" Mr.Choi chuckled and Areum cleared her throat, introducing herself with a handshake.

"So I'll just do the routine checks to begin with. Is there anything else you need me to check today?" She asked with a smile and he coughed to clear his throat, relaxing back in his chair

"Well actually...the pain in my left knee has just been flaring up these last few days and the painkillers Jisoo prescribed last time have done nothing for it" He explained

"Any history of arthritis in the family?" She asked, placing the white latex gloves on

"Yes and I've had a history with this myself before" He explained and she nodded

"I can give you a cortisone shot today and that should help with the pain and reduce any swell—"

"Hey uh..." Jaemin trailed off with a whisper, interrupting her and pulling her to the side quickly

"What?" She asked, looking up at him with confusion

"He's diabetic" Jaemin said with furrowed brows, giving her the benefit of doubt incase she had accidentally missed it in his file

"So...?" She asked, not piecing the information together herself. He looked at her a little taken back, glancing over to Mr.Choi who looked confused in the chair

" can't prescribe a steroid injection. It'll increase his blood sugar and it's high risk. So what's the alternative?" Jaemin asked, feeling like he had to explain the first few rules of diabetes to her

"Uh..." she trailed off, blinking quickly as she racked her brain for an answer. Of course it had to blank right now.

"I-I...I don't know" she said, voice just above a whisper as she watched his face change with slight anger at her answer

"I'm sor—"

"PRP shot. The clinic doesn't keep one around so you'll need to schedule another visit. I'll get Juri to order one in. Do the routine checks" Jaemin said with a more serious tone. She parted her lips in slight embarrassment, nodding her head slowly at his words.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" Jaemin asked with concern lacing through his stern eyes. She slowly shook her head, lying to save herself.

"I hope that coffee kicks in soon then" he said with a sigh, letting himself out of the room to head straight to Juri at reception

"Hey, could you order a PRP shot and schedule Mr.Choi in again this week?" Jaemin asked and Juri nodded, raking her eyes over at him a few times as she studied the change in his demeanour

"Something wrong?" She asked and Jaemin sighed, shaking his head

"During my residency we had a case similar to Mr.Choi' was a big misdiagnosis problem and all the interns got in trouble for it. You usually don't forget things like that..." Jaemin trailed off and Juri chuckled

"Can you stop talking to me like I know exactly what's running through that head of yours?" Juri said, shaking her head and he cracked a small smile

"Can you clear up Areum's Friday and schedule me in for a meeting with her?" Jaemin asked and Juri furrowed her brows

"What's wrong now?" She asked

"Nothing I'll just brief her on all the patients. Maybe it's overwhelming for her or something" he said with a thoughtful expression and Juri smirked up at him

"Na Jaemin...are you in—"


"Really? Because I think you're—"

"I'm not." Jaemin answered simply again with a shrug, cutting her off and running back to the office before she could interrogate him further. He cracked a smile along with an airy laugh, shaking his head at the statement Juri was trying to get out of him.

"Everything okay?" Jaemin asked, popping his head into the room with a smile and Areum nodded quickly, still shying away from her previous mistakes. She wondered just how many mistakes she had made in the past before this. She prayed to God that it was close to none.

"Juri is ordering the injection but she needs your signature to approve the order. Should be here by Wednesday" Jaemin said and she nodded quickly again, pulling off her gloves as she tried to move past him

"You sure you're okay?" Jaemin asked again and she sighed, looking up at him with guilty eyes

"Yeah I just...didn't sleep a wink last night" she lied again. Jaemin nodded slowly, looking back over to the patient before leaving her side and taking over for a while. She ran her fingers through her hair as she walked towards reception, looking at Juri who placed an Ipad down for the signature

"Just sign here and put your license number at the bottom" Juri smiled and she nodded, blinking down at the 'sign here' part of the page.

"Hey uh...I feel kind of lightheaded, could you grab me some paracetamol. I'll file this one out" Areum asked and Juri hummed, nodding slowly before leaving her chair to head into the staff room. Areum scanned the clinic quickly, making sure no one was around to catch her in the act as she quickly signed off Jisoo's name and license number, replicating it the best way she could before sending the order off.

"You're all good Mr.Choi, your wife is outside waiting for you" Jaemin said with a bright voice as he turned the corner, looking towards Areum who straightened up and smiled at them both.

"It was nice meeting you, I'll see you Thursday" she smiled and Mr.Choi nodded, greeting his wife who took him out of the clinic to his car

"I'm sorry about earlier" Areum apologised quickly to Jaemin and he nodded with a smile, turning to her with his arms crossed over his chest

"Mistakes happen...just don't do it again" Jaemin said with furrowed brows before he let out a light chuckle

"Sorry...I shouldn't be talking to you like you're still an intern or something" he said and she chuckled dryly. Oh if only he knew.

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