The Ferris Wheel

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MatPat, Ro, and Roi left the woman when MatPat noticed a Ferris wheel and told Ro. They both went to go when Richard, still at the popcorn stand, noticed and went for them.

MatPat: I'm a rollercoaster enthusiast. Sign me up for any sort of carnival ride, I am there, front and center.

Richard catches up to them, slightly out of breath from running to catch up with them.

"You two mind if I join?" Richard asked, catching the two off guard before realizing it was someone they slightly knew. "No, it's fine. Come on!" Ro said to him while MatPat nodded his head.

Richard: MatPat seems to be a great guy. From the, FIVE HOURS, JOEY, I got to spend with everyone before going to the town, he seems to be an actual good guy. Not egotistical, doesn't act like a dick, he acts about the same as he does on camera. So I see them going towards the Ferris wheel, I'm taking the chance to be friends when I have it. When else would I have the opportunity to talk to what seems to be the kindest people in the group?

Mat, Ro, and Richard walk to the Ferris wheel as Mortimer goes up to them so they can get on.

Rosanna: I can not remember the last time I've been on a Ferris wheel. They are adorable.

Richard: As we get closer I see this is the open kind, no top, no doors. I slightly want to get out, leave, and go back to the popcorn stand, but, making new friends always makes things better, right?

Rosanna: We get on the Ferris wheel, there's an adorable little blanket. So we get comfy, and then we discover there's something underneath the blanket, a newspaper.

"The Clowns Here Kill." MatPat reads, Ro on his right, Richard on his left. "No." Ro says as Richard sarcastically says "Well, ain't this gonna be a great audiobook to sleep to."

MatPat continues, "The Killer Clown Clan strikes again, much to no one's surprise. Four major players of the clan shown here. Be warned."

Rosanna: The clown who welcomed us into Everlock. Front page news for being a murderous clown.

Richard looks at the picture going "I knew I got murdery vibes from that clown."

Roi looks up from below waving to the three as they all scream to him that he shouldn't trust the clowns, but due to the height difference, he can't hear them.

Rosanna: We realized we are not having fun, we are in trouble, and the ride stops.

Richard: The ride stops right at the top, amplifying my fear of DYING and I slowly realize, this was the dangerous part, I accepted the invite to a DEATH mission. Great, byoutiful.

"Are you stuck?" Roi asked as if it was not obvious.

Rosanna: We're stuck on the ride. We're trying to warn our friends. They can't hear us, and if you move at all-"

Ro leans against the bar, and the cart moves too before she sits back down, avoiding death.

"Oh, Go- Oh, Jesus!" MatPat yelled as Ro screamed. "Alright, don't lean forward, lesson learned." Richard said in a half-joking manner.

Richard: Now that we know if we lean, we could fall, I want to get off even more now.

Roi: I totally think the crazy lady was responsible 'cause she was doing this, and she was looking at the Ferris wheel, so I'm pretty sure she has some kind of psychic power, you know?

Escape the Night: Season 3 (My Way + Self-Insert OC)Where stories live. Discover now