The Chaos

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The mayor was suddenly grabbed by a clown and thrown off the edge of her balcony, instantly killing her. Everyone starts to scream and panic as she dies.

"Mom! Mom!" Mortimer calls out, trying to show to himself she's alive as chaos begins to fall over the town. The rest of the clowns begin to approach from the ends of the town, the leader firing pistols into the air to announce their presence.

"I told you, the clowns!" MatPat yells to the crowd from the Ferris wheel before putting his face in his hand.

Teala: Oh, my God. Clowns are my biggest fear, and all of a sudden there are, like, hundreds of clowns.

Manny: It's pandemonium, honestly. We're, like, shook.

Chaos ensues as the clowns start killing everybody as they try to run. Mortimer tries his best to protect every member of the group, "Get your friends! Get your friends! You gotta follow me!" he yells. More people start to die all around them as they are powerless to do anything.

"This way! This way!" Joey screams to everyone, trying to get them to follow Mortimer. The clowns catch up and drag Roi and Teala (I had to choose a girl so they could figure out "delicates" later) to their RV. "Hurry!" Mortimer yells to everyone so they don't have the same fate as the ones captured.

Joey: So, Mortimer is ushering everyone into the arcade, and I'm just making sure everyone's in before me. And that was my biggest mistake.

Joey gets grabbed by the lead clown and starts getting pulled to the RV screaming as everyone screams as well and tries to save him before closing the doors and boarding them when they realize it's too late.

"JOEY!" Ro screams out as Joey is pulled by the clowns. "They're taking him to the murder van." MatPat says as Richard slams his head into his hands as if it were a table. "They got Joey! They got Joey! JOEY!" Ro screams in panic for her friend, "Jo- Oh, this is terrible." MatPat said realizing how deep of shit they were in.

Escape the Night: Season 3 (My Way + Self-Insert OC)Where stories live. Discover now