The Bite

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Safiya moved the final hand to the correct number and the clock face popped open. Everyone screamed in shock before Richard fully opened the compartment. "Yay! Here are the eyes!" he exclaimed as he pulled them out and JC grabbed the note that was inside.

Safiya: Inside are The Serpent's Eyes and a note.

"This is the second of the wicked artifacts. To cleanse The Serpent's Eyes you must find the head of a great snake, place the eyes inside, and bathe it in the blood of a serpent's heart." JC read as The Snake Woman creeps outside before entering the arcade.

Richard: Success! The eyes are in our possession.

Manny: But we still have to cleanse the artifact

Richard goes over what was said in the note again to ensure everyone understands what they must do to cleanse the eyes.

Joey: Now that we have our second artifact, I'm just waiting for that creature to appear.

The Snake Woman goes into the arcade and knocks Calliope unconscious before turning to the spy tied to the chair. She bites into the spy causing her to scream out in pain, getting the attention of the group.

Safiya: We hear screams coming from the arcade.

Nikita: Good God, who is dying now?

The group runs to the sight and The Snake Woman hisses at them before running away. The spy lies dead on the chair and the group crowds around her.

Safiya: The woman that we've captured is dead.

Joey: There goes our one person who could've been help to us.

MatPat: Might as well check the body. She might have clues as to where we could find more information about this serpent woman

"Always seen this in movies, they take off the shoes. Is this wrong?" Ro asks before JC announces he found something. "I found it, matches. They say, "Meet me at 7:30 - Cindy." Nikita thinks it was the friend she was going to meet when Joey notices something with the matches, the logo for Fat Man Slims.

Joey: We're about to find out what's at Fat Man Slims.

The group walks out of the arcade before seeing Fat Man Slims to the right of the arcade patio. They begin to walk there when The Snake Woman reveals she was hiding behind a corner. Everyone ran, but when Roi tried to, he was grabbed and bitten. The Snake Woman then ran off to somewhere else. "No, Roi got bit!" Richard screamed as everyone ran back.

Nikita: Snake Woman appears out of nowhere and just snatches Roi like a wig off a drag queen, and I was like, (dramatically gasps), Oh, my God. Thank God it wasn't me.

"He must have been poisoned. How long do we have, Calliope?" Richard says using his knowledge of animals to deduce the poisoning. "In twenty minutes, it's gonna eat through his organs." she replies. "So we need an antidote in twenty minutes."

Mortimer says there's a drugstore and they should split up. MatPat goes to create an antidote and, of course, Ro goes as well. Richard grabs JC and leads him over, "Before you go, just know, the venom of the biter is often used in anti-venoms." he says to JC as the three and Mortimer run off.

Escape the Night: Season 3 (My Way + Self-Insert OC)Where stories live. Discover now