The Arcade

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"Your mom literally just got thrown- Are you okay?" Manny asks Mortimer, slumped down on the couch with his hands on his face. Mortimer gets up, "They got your friends, huh?" he asks the most obvious question ever.

"Well, what about your mom?" Nikita asks, switching the subject back. "I mean my mom was a fighter, she wouldn't want me to give up now." Mortimer says getting up from the couch and walking around.

"Okay, give up on what?" Manny asks, interrupting Mortimer, "I don't know, whatever this is." he says gesturing towards the box. "This thing is one of The Carnival Master's artifacts. I didn't realize until you opened it, but..." Mortimer pauses to think of what to say, "he's been using them to corrupt this town, I mean, for years. My mom always pretended it wasn't happening." he finished before putting down the box.

"Do you know how we can save our friends?" Nikita asks Mortimer, calmly. "I mean..." Mortimer stops again to think of what he should say.

Safiya: Mortimer's saying that this is the clowns' hangout, so I'm hopeful that there's something in this room that's gonna help us defeat them.

JC: We all find a box that has the letters R, B, G, and Y on them.

"Red, blue, green, yellow." they all collectively say, immediately guessing what it means based on the letters and colored strips. "Okay so..." Nikita starts before Manny finishes, "We have to get into it."

Everyone starts looking around the room as Nikita chants the letters. "This is..." JC says, collecting his thoughts as everyone goes to him. "...R, B, G, Y, but this isn't on." he continues. "They actually have it on here." Manny mentions, guessing that this is what they have to mess with. "How do we turn this on?" JC questions.

Manny: We're, like, kinda looking around the room, like how do we get this machine on, where do we go? So I look over at the corkboard, and we see this part where it says...

"The scores get erased at the end of the day." Manny reads the paper, knowing that it will help.

Nikita: We're like, why don't we erase everything and see what's left? So we start erasing everything.

Nikita erases the scores on the pinball machine with the colors leaving behind a 3 and a 10. "Erase them all! Erase them all!" Safiya shouts to the others, who start running to different machines, erasing the scores and seeing what is left.

Manny: We start erasing them and there's a little, like, piece left on every single scoreboard. And we're, like, living the whole, like, solving-clue fantasy.

"Time- t-time." Safiya says, reading the part left on a scoreboard.

Safiya: I realize that all of the chalkboard letters together read, "Tap six times on glass."

"...Four, five, six." Safiya counts up as she knocks on the glass of the pinball machine. All the lights and sounds turn on as soon as she reaches six. All the bloops, bleeps, sweeps, creeps, and schnoodledoos. Everyone gasps as Nikita screams, "Oh, I'm shook." Manny says. JC goes over and starts playing pinball.

Nikita: Honestly, what these random people might not know about me, is that I love games.

"I got it." she says as the machine dings. She's playing well, until the marble falls past the flippers down the middle, ending her turn. They all start to laugh and talk over each other as Nikita walks away, letting Manny take his turn.

Later, Safiya knocks down the Y and B in the machine, when Nikita goes to the box and sees the yellow and blue locks are down.

Manny: If you hit a letter, a little, like, lock would open. So, like, oh, my God, okay, perfect. We are finally down to the last one, and it was literally so hard. No one was getting it.

It was Manny's turn again after many rotations. He breathes on his hand and wipes the glass with it. JC laughed at the action as Manny continued to play, hitting the R getting the lock to come down, and letting them finally have access to the box.

JC: So when this box unlocked, there was a gear, and there was a note that said there was four missing parts that we had to replace from the jack-in-the-box in order for the clowns to, I'm hoping, go away.

Escape the Night: Season 3 (My Way + Self-Insert OC)Where stories live. Discover now