The Peeping Lady

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The intro begins to play. The moon shines over a bird's eye view of the town. Teala and Nikita are shown tied to the merry-go-round as High Tower and Sally Slaughter are about to slam their weapons into them. JC is tied to a wonder wheel as the lead clown throws a knife narrowly missing him. MatPat is shown running from the funhouse before showing Roi narrowly missing being chomped by the jaws. Safiya and Manny are shown chained and trying to run from The Carnival Master, who holds their chains as the Demon Dog is by his side. Richard is shown in front of the graveyard holding a sharpened stick, Ro is then quickly shown running from something unseen before panning to Joey, standing in the middle of the town handing the camera a ticket.

Escape The Night

"So we don't have much to go off of... besides this" Safiya says gesturing to the note.

Safiya: The note I found said that somebody in town is not telling the truth.

"So who do you guys think is lying?" Safiya asks, trying to figure this out ASAP. "Well, we only know two people. That's Calliope and Mortimer, so..." Joey responded.

Joey: I'm so thankful that Mortimer and Calliope are targets towards someone's lying.

"How do we know that we can be trusted? Maybe it's one of us." Richard says after seeing Calliope and Mortimer slightly shake their heads no. "So, how do you feel after coming back from the challenge?" Joey asks Richard.

"Well, I know someone voted me in, and when I was shown, I saw for a bit Teala was not shocked, so, I think it was her. But, that shows we can't all be trusted." he responded.

Safiya: Calliope pulls the map down from the wall. We can see that there are new things on there.

"Fat Man Slims is new on the map." Safiya said, pointing to the building.

Safiya: So I guess every time that we cleanse a new artifact there's gonna be more stuff on the map.

"Beware of snakes. The Serpent's Eyes lie in wait." Joey read from the map.

Richard: On the map it mentions snakes. Oh, great, exactly what I wanted. Snakes!

Someone creeps into the arcade from outside. She runs over to the entrance to the lounge, looking around the corner, trying to hide from the group.

Richard: So there's this woman, being a peeping little shit, right outside the fridgoor.

Everyone looks at her as she backs away. "Get her, quick!" Calliope yells as the group runs at the woman. "Oh, bitch, you ain't going nowhere, mama." Manny says as he chases the woman, everyone behind him.

Richard (cont.): She takes off and everyone's like "Oh no, bitch."

She runs out of the arcade and everyone chases her, Richard lagging. He reaches the arcade entrance when he sees Roi grab the woman. He finds a chair and grabs it, pulling it towards the entrance.

Roi: That was the first time I've ever captured and tackled a spy. Felt like a boss.

"Tie her up! She cannot be trusted! Quick!" Calliope ordered, handing Joey rope while Mortimer and Richard kept her back to the chair as she tried to escape.

Nikita: Of course we're gonna chase her and tie her up. That's what any normal person would have done.

"Listen, honey. What were you doing?" Nikita asks the woman. "I'm looking for the same thing you're looking for." she responds, still being tied up. "What's that?" people asked. "The Serpent's Eyes." she answered while Richard fully saw her neck.

"Wait, she was bit!" he yelled as everyone looked. "The snake woman bit me! She stole my husband." the woman yelled back to elaborate. "Do you know anything about an artifact?" Joey asked her. "I don't know, look for suits in the lounge." she responded. Everyone questioned what she meant.

Rosanna: What does that mean? Are they evil FBI agents?

Nikita: Do I get a new outfit?

Richard: She either means clothing or cards. It's one of the two.

"Why don't you guys go on. I'll stay and watch her." Calliope suggested and everyone agreed. "Stay tied up." Manny ordered the woman, and Richard snickered at that.

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