The Voting

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The Disco Crew was sitting around in the lounge when they heard The Tent Team chatting in a panic as they went inside. Everyone showed that they had the pieces they went for as The Tent Team calmed down.

Nikita: We finally put all the pieces back together for this little jack-in-the-box, and it's revealed...

Safiya starts to read the note to everyone, "The artifact requires one more piece to be replaced to be fully restored, a new jack. Two must be selected by vote to undertake a deadly challenge to recover it. Choose wisely, one of you will not make it out alive. For this unique trial, the two selected must choose a partner to fight for them."

Safiya: I'm thinking, "Why did Joey bring us here? Is he on our side or is he just trying to kill us?

Richard: Yay! We're all gonna die!

MatPat started to rant to Joey, "So, basically, this whole 'save the town' thing is a big suicide mission that you brought- Why? Why us?" Joey defended himself saying they knew what they were getting into.

Richard's POV

I'm sitting next to Ro as we learn that this is a death mission. Joey defends himself and everyone starts yelling at him. Everyone's arguing with him, it's so loud, and I just want it to shut up.

I cover my ears and close my eyes, but it's still so loud. I bundle myself in a ball. I just want it to shut up. Why won't it shut up? Just shut up. Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!

I get grabbed by the person to my right, Ro. She hugs me and I snuggle into her soft coat. I mumble out a thank you and I fall back into my comfort zone. I think everyone saw this as afterward I heard everyone silence themselves.

They continue to argue, but thankfully they keep it at a normal volume and take turns speaking. I leave Ro's grip and exit my ball. "Thank you for that." I whisper to her. I hear her whisper "You're welcome." while smiling at me. I now know what I want more than my own escape from this night.

I want her to escape and be safe and happy.

Narrator's POV

Roi: It's horrible, like, I don't understand why Joey put everyone into this situation, y'know? That just kinda makes me mad.

"So if the fighter loses, the person who-" Roi started and Manny finished. "Chose them." "They die." Roi finished. Everyone agreed as Nikita and Teala both said that it would be pressuring. "Let's just say this. Are there any volunteers?" JC asked. The silence said everything that needed to be said.

MatPat: Well, we talk amoungst ourselves, trying to get a handle on who did the most for the team, who was a weak link, who wasn't jiving with the rest of the group.

"All right, so who has been, like, not, like, contributing a lot?" Joey asks Nikita in a whisper. "Honestly, I would, before this, say JC. But I think he proved himself in this round."

JC: I feel as though I'm safe now because I played such a pivotal character in the last challenge.

Safiya: I, for sure, don't think I should be in the final challenge. I've been trying to solve things, I've been trying to, y'know, make sure we stay on the right track.

Richard: I talk to Roi and JC, and I'm like, "Hey, guys, listen up. I don't think Teala is pulling her weight. I know she's trying really hard, she seems to be a sweet person, but, we need to vote her in if we want to survive.

"So you know, I've heard your name being tossed around." MatPat tells Teala in a whisper.

Teala: I am very shocked. I could've done a little bit more to help, but I don't think I did anything to slow our team down.

"It is now time to vote." Calliope announces, catching the entire group's attention. "Grab the ticket with the face of the person you would like to enter into the challenge. I will shuffle and then draw two." she continues.

MatPat: She just so happens to have cards with all of our names on it, in the event that we need to vote each other to die.

Richard: I'm just guessing the stars told her about us coming so she could make the cards or something like that.

Joey: There was definitely a time where this was much harder, but I'm definitely past that.

MatPat: So, when it came time for me to cast my vote, I decided on JC, the hippie.

Nikita: I voted for Teala partially 'cause she didn't do anything, but also partially I was jealous of her outfit.

Safiya: I think I'm gonna vote for Roi. I don't think he's really been solving much.

Manny: Roi, I love you, like, you're amazing, but I'm gonna have to vote you in because I really don't even remember what you did.

"I will now shuffle and then draw two." Calliope said as she began to shuffle the cards. Everyone was scared they would be drawn. She pulled a card and flipped it.

The Super Spy

Teala: I saw Calliope pull out my name, and my heart just sank.

Calliope pulled another card and flipped it.

The Rockstar

Everyone in the room was shocked except Teala. Ro comforted Richard as he put his head in his hands.

Richard: I just can't believe this. The only "bad" thing I've done is retreat from an argument because I was overstimulated. I danced for you!

"Please select a partner to fight for you, starting with the person who was chosen first." Calliope said to the guests drawn. "Mat." Teala immediately said, "Well, then I choose Safiya." Richard said in response.

Escape the Night: Season 3 (My Way + Self-Insert OC)Where stories live. Discover now