The Teams

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The Disco Crew

Everyone dances around High Tower extremely badly, except for Richard, who manages to blend in with the crowd, thus seeming to be a clown who happens to be near High Tower. "Hey, can I have a sip?" Joey asks High Tower, finally getting to why they were there, "Sure." the clown responds handing him her drink.

"Mmm, delicious." Joey says as he pretends to take a drink from it. He holds it near enough to Nikita that she can put the sedative inside. It fizzes as Joey turns around to hide the fizz. Everyone thanks High Tower as Joey hands her back her drink.

Nikita: And, of course, guess who I had to drug?  The biggest woman- I think her name was, like, High Tower or something.

"Where you guys from, huh?" the lead clown asks the group. Richard tests his improv skills, "Oh, from Clownville, you just have to take a right turn from Albuquerque, keep going straight 'til you reach Bumblef*ck, then take a left and you should be golden." The lead clown slowly nods her head and walks away.

The Tent Team

"Come out, you sons of bitches!" Sally Slaughter screamed. She slams her bat on the big circle in the middle of the tent over and over, "DAMN IT!"

Manny: I'm like, "This bitch is literally Harley Quinn on, like, crack." Like, it was terrifying.

"I'm coming to find you!" Sally screamed at the hiding guests, "Mama's coming!" she added before laughing and leaving the tent. Everyone leaves their hiding spots and runs back to the plushies.

Safiya: So we rip apart almost every single stuffed animal, and we found four coins.

Manny: We have all the quarters. We're- Okay, like, "What do we do?" We see this one box.

"Put your coin in." Manny says to the other coin people, "Okay." Ro responds. "I don't see any clowns." MatPat announces while looking around, he looks back to the box when Ro asks if everyone is ready.

"One, two, drop." everyone says as the quarters were all put into the box's slots. The box opened, and everyone looked at what was inside.

The Disco Crew

High Tower grabs her drink off a table and chugs a whole bunch of it. The group all stand away from her. "Okay. She just took a sip." Joey whispered to the others.

Joey: So she's acting real weird now. I'm pretty sure the sedative is kicking in.

Richard and Joey both walk up, feigning concern for the clown. "Are you okay?" they both ask, the clown wobbling and slurring her words. The group leads her outside as High Tower says she "needs some air."

JC: So we decide to take it upon ourselves to take her out of the party and make sure she's "okay."

"Right over here. It's over here." High Tower says with slurred words. The group leads her somewhere outside the disco when she falls unconscious.

Teala: I feel like we're all just working together at this point and we all are actually a team.

"Okay. Wait there's a combo." Joey says as he goes to open the suitcase.

JC: So we're figuring out how to get this code, and we see on the briefcase that there's arrows pointing to pink dots.

"Okay. From high to low- Oh, watch the clowns dance from high to low." Joey reads from the briefcase.

Joey: "Watch the clowns dance from high to low." What the hell does that mean?

The Tent Team

Escape the Night: Season 3 (My Way + Self-Insert OC)Where stories live. Discover now