The Calm Before The Storm

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The lead killer clown creepily stood behind everyone as they looked at Mat, Ro, and Richard stuck in the Ferris wheel, tapping their fingers on a ball.

Joey: So the creepy clown woman who welcomed us to town is like, "Hey, I have a fun game for you." and I was like, "Okay."

"Hi." Teala introduced her and Joey's presence to the clown. "No, Joey, don't trust her!" MatPat yelled from the Ferris wheel, but his cries fell on deaf ears. "JOEY!" MatPat tried with all his might, but nothing was heard. He looked to Ro and Richard, this was going to be a long ride, and they knew it.

Joey: So she's like, "Here, take this ball, throw it at these cans, and you'll win a prize."

"Oh, I want the pony. I want the big pony! If I get it, can I get the big pony, please?" Joey asked the clown after knowing a prize was coming. "Maybe, you'll just have to get it." the clown teased Joey before he threw the ball.

The ball left all but one can, and everyone cheered as he threw the next ball and hit the can. "I get the pony!" he said to Teala as they jumped in joy.

"How about instead of the pony..." the clown started to pull something out, she turned and revealed a jack-in-the-box.

Joey: I thought I was gonna get, like, an even bigger stuffed animal. I didn't, I got a box.

"I've been saving this for a very special occasion. Only someone with your unique gift can open the box and let the real carnival come out to play" the clown said, looking even more psychotic on the last bit, before handing it to him.

"Oh, my God, Joey-" Teala was barely able to get out before the clown screamed, "But be careful! Don't open it just yet." The clown started to slink back from leaning over the table to standing, still looking as creepy as ever before chuckling.

"Don't open it just yet?" the duo says questioning what she meant. Joey breathed before looking back at the clown "Got it. Thank you." the last part being said by Teala at the same time.

Joey: This box could be a jack-in-the-box, or it could be a box with stars on it.

"Guys, we got a gift." Joey says to the group as he and Teala return, "She gave us a box." Teala adds.

JC: So we're all kind of gathering around because Joey gets this box. Some people saying not to open it, and there's people saying, "Open it." He's trying to decide what to do, And all of a sudden-

A horn blows, shocking everyone in the group to scream. The mayor walks out with a megaphone, arms outstretched to everyone. Everyone realizes who it is and mentions it to Mortimer as if he didn't already know.

Earlier at the Ferris wheel, MatPat, Ro, and Richard all look as Joey continues to listen to the clown. "So...I see we all have plushies." Richard says, attempting small talk to not only break the tension but also to slightly achieve the purpose he went with them to do.

Richard: So I try to talk with them, and it worked! We all started talking about our plushies, Blanche, Blueberry, and Braig. We all had a thing for the letter B, I guess. We each had fun pointing out things in the town, and talking about our lives before, and all got disappointed and slightly mad when Joey accepted the clown's gift. And then, out of nowhere, a horn blows, and we see a lady with a megaphone walk out and hear she's the mayor.

"How is that his mom?" Ro asked looking at the spectacle, MatPat tried to interject with something that went unheard by Richard as Ro continued "She looks fabulous, she doesn't look old enough to be his mom."

Everyone starts cheering for the mayor, the group joining in as MRR (Mat, Ro, and Richard) sit wondering how she's Mortimer's mom.

Nikita: Mortimer's mom comes out on the little patio, and I'm like, "Oh, my God, Mortimer, already introducing me to your mom? Like, this is a really big step."

The mayor begins talking to everyone through the megaphone, "Thank you all for coming out to carnival. It's our lifeblood." The crazy woman talks back to the mayor, "I think you mean it's sucking our blood!" The group shares a collective "What?" before the crazy woman continues. "The spell won't last forever, and then you-know-who is coming back."

JC: I'm like, "We don't know who," but it doesn't sound good.

Richard:  Alright, crazy lady, I'm trusting you. Mostly because we came here through magic so, y'know, anything is possible, so... Yeah, in these "anything is possible" situations trust the crazy people more.

"I wouldn't listen to her words." the mayor starts to poison the well, trying to get everyone to believe the crazy woman is terrible so they don't listen to her point. "We're here to help you!" Joey says before the mayor thanks them, clearly taking it as helping the mayor, not the town.

"Avoid this woman and her nonsense. She's gypsy trash who lives on the outskirts of town,-" Everyone reacts to the roast, Nikita being very vocal. "Ah! That was a reach. That was a reach."

"-never willing to join us. She's not to be trusted." the mayor smugly says, expecting no one to care for her opinion now. "NO! TRUST THE CRAZY PERSON!" Richard screams from the Ferris wheel, "They never trust the crazy people in these situations." Richard slams his hands on his leg.

"Where did you get that?" the crazy woman asks, sensing it is cursed with you-know-who's magic. "I won it, it's mine." Joey says bringing the box closer to his chest as the mayor interjects. "Calliope!-" the mayor says before being interrupted, "Not today, Janet!" Calliope screams at the mayor.

"Janet, you better shut your mouth, girl." Manny says to himself right as Calliope continues, "Do you know what that is?" "It's a box?" Joey's response dripped with a 'why didn't you know that' energy as Janet says "It's a toy." right as Calliope shuts her down. "No! That is one of the Carnival Master's wicked artifacts!"

Joey: This box, apparently, is some weird artifact that I shouldn't open. But, at the same time, I kinda wanna open it.

"It's a harmless carnival prize." Janet says as Joey confirms that he won it, yet he goes barely heard over Janet. "Someone please just open it and put this woman's hysteria to rest."

Everyone in the group splits on whether to open it or not open it, "DON'T OPEN IT, JOEY!" Richard screams, still unheard from the Ferris wheel. "I'm gonna open it." Joey says causing everyone who said he shouldn't to scream it, trying to make him change his mind at the last minute.

Joey starts turning the crank as creepy music starts to play, before POP! The Jack pops out, a toothy smile turned upside down, X's over the eyes and a knife lodged in its skull. Everyone screams and is shocked by what pops out while laughter starts to pour out.

Safiya: As soon as the box opens and I see that Jack with the knife in its head, I'm like, "Yeah, we probably just unleashed something evil."

Richard: I've seen enough horror-related stuff to know when you're given a creepy object and a magic/crazy person tells you to not mess with it, YOU DON'T MESS WITH IT! Thanks, Joey, we're all screwed now, congratulations.

"Nothing happened. Everything is fine." Janet says, while Manny mentions "We heard screams." Janet continues, ignoring what Manny said, "Just enjoy the carnival. Honestly, I-"

Escape the Night: Season 3 (My Way + Self-Insert OC)Where stories live. Discover now