Chapter 386: Under New Management

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Yokohama, Japan

Port Mafia HQ

3rd person POV

Ozaki: Are you sure this is a good idea to let the 6th generation have half of our resources? 

Mori: I can't risk losing the Port Mafia out of evidence that they somehow salvaged through government connections. Going up against them now will be our downfall. 

Ozaki: Then we should do something about it. I deal with these kids myself. 

Mori: You do realize that White Room students aren't easy to deal with. Fighting against them is already pointless, at least for the time being. Not while they have gathered evidence that they can use to make the government revoke our business permit and if that permit is revoked. We're now considered wanted criminals. 

Ozaki: But aren't we already criminals? 

Mori: True, but it is because of our deal with Fukuzawa and the government. The Port Mafia hasn't been under the government's radar for a long time. So, it's crucial that we-

Chuuya: Hey boss!

The two executive members then turned around as an angry Chuuya shows up. 

Mori: What is it, Chuuya-kun?

Chuuya: I'm not standing for this bullshit! We're not letting the 6th generation have control of our forces. Let alone half of it!

Ozaki: Your frustration is understandable but-

Chuuya: But what, Onee-san? Don't you get it!? We're not scapegoats to some politician!! I'm not going to be controlled by some madman who experimented on actual children! You should already know where I came from and to me, this is unacceptable!!

Mori: I know you are mad but going against them now will be the death of this organization. We just have to wait. 

Chuuya: Wait?! I'm not gonna stand here and wait! If you guys aren't going to do anything, then I might as well do something myself. 

As Chuuya begins to leave by walking away from them. 

He suddenly felt something behind him.

A katana that's wielded by Ozaki. 

Ozaki: You should know your place. We'll deal with them soon enough. Do you understand?

Chuuya: You're going to stop me, Onee-san? Okay then, go ahead and try. 

Mori: Enough you two. Fighting amongst ourselves isn't getting us anywhere. Unless of course that's what Akuma wants us to do so that he can further control the mafia if they think we're this incompetent. Like I said, there will be time for us to deal with them later. For now, we just have to get used to it. Am I clear?

Ozaki: Of course. My apologies.

Chuuya: Tch!

Mori: We have a lot of work to do. Let's go.

Both Mori and Ozaki then leave as Chuuya continues his frustration towards this situation. 

Kanae: Things aren't looking up for us.

Chuuya: Don't talk to me like I don't know.

All of a sudden, the mafia's detective shows up. 

Chuuya: What are we supposed to do Minato? 

Kanae: What boss-sama says is final. We can't do anything about it. 

Chuuya then begins to walk past Kanae as she asks:

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