Chapter 391: Limits Exist

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After the Death Hacker arc

Yuuichi and Hachiman had met up with Ayanokouji and Kurumi privately in their room as they discuss their "demotion" from the group.

Ayanokouji: I hope you two can understand that even I find this decision difficult.

Yuuichi: It's supposed to be. I mean we're friends, aren't we?

Ayanokouji: Yes, and as said friend. I'm doing this for your own good. Clearly, you don't have what it takes.

Yuuichi: What?

Hachiman: Also, why the hell am I here?

Ayanokouji: Because you'll be joining him. The two of you in particular aren't suited for missions against Apocalypse. You two can't fight your way out of dangerous situations. That's already clear to me.

Yuuichi: I don't get it. Why keep Kei around then?

Ayanokouji: Because he has more potential than you.

Yuuichi: What do you mean by that?

Ayanokouji: I'm not talking about intelligence. I'm speaking from a physical standpoint. 

Yuuichi: Then why don't you just train me?! Like what you did with Miyuki (Shirogane) and Kazuto.

Ayanokouji: I could but my hands are full. I have Kurumi and a few others to worry about. But that's not my true reason why I decided to demote you.

Yuuichi: Huh?! Then what is the real reason?

The Masterpiece immediately and coldly replied:

Ayanokouji: Because all you are good for is manipulating others.

Yuuichi: What!?

Ayanokouji: You're capable of manipulating people...and then what?

Yuuichi somehow doesn't have a response to that.

Ayanokouji: Exactly. Listen, I'm not going to tell you that you're weak like the rest. Obviously, you have your strengths, and you were the first person I've met when I started out in ANHS. But times change as you can tell. Back then, Kazuto was just a mere high school boy and comparing that to his present self. It's night and day.

Yuuichi: I get that but-

Ayanokouji: Can you manipulate somehow who has far better foresight? Can you manipulate someone who's already depraved beyond your comprehension? Can you manipulate people who can simply put a bullet in your head without hesitation?

Yuuichi was immediately silenced by these calculated questions that even he didn't think of.

Ayanokouji: Words alone doesn't always change the tide of an outcome. Actions speak louder than words. You are capable of actions Yuuichi, but those actions require more than just a sprint or a walk. 

Yuuichi: Okay, I think I already know what you're saying. You're saying I can't fight like how the rest have? Is that it?

Ayanokouji: That's right. The same reason applies to you, Hikigaya.

Hachiman: Wow, tell me something that I don't know??

Yuuichi: I get it. I'm incapable of fighting like the rest but you could at least train me!?

Ayanokouji: It doesn't suit you.

Yuuichi: Huh!?

Ayanokouji: Everyone has a role to play. Your role is to manipulate people, not fight. The CSD doesn't need to always have people who are physically capable. We still need brains as well to make it well balanced. Take Kazuto and Asuna for example. They're not the smartest among our group but they can make up for that with their skills in a fight and Kazuto's knowledge of computers has proven to be useful. The siblings, collectively known as Blank are more helpful here than on the field. They have been filling in quite well on monitor duty when Ryuzaki wasn't around. You two need a role that would cover for everyone else.

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