Chapter 392: Recapture

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Port Mafia HQ

Intelligence Unit Office

Minato Kanae and a mysterious woman in glasses were speaking to one another.

They're both discussing about their current situations with Kanae drinking green tea.

Kanae: *Sigh* Do you think we should've done more to deal with this matter?

???: I wish, but the Mori-sama wants us to stay put for now. I'm not a big fan of simply waiting until the time we strike but I am a bit more patient. At least unlike a certain orange haired hothead.

Kanae: Nakahara-san huh? Yes, he can be a bit of a handful. I'm sure you know that the only person that could contain a guy like him is none other than Dazai himself.

???: Dazai. Heh! It's a shame that he left after what happened to that little incident with Sakunosuke. But at the same time, Sakaguchi ended up leaving as well in the process which allowed me to take his position as part of the Intelligence Unit. I'd say that's still a plus for me and you.

Kanae: You should remember that I was merely handpicked by boss-sama himself to be the second in command of the Intelligence Unit. It wasn't my first choice to be fair.

???: And yet you never looked back. You and became quite the duo since we ran the Intelligence Unit. You could say that we're like the mafia's true secret weapon.

Kanae: Indeed. Though there is still something that's bother me.

???: What is it, Minato-chan?

Kanae: What do you think we should do against the two other threats to our organization? Other than Class S and the White Room.

???: Are you referring to the Crimson Shinigami and Apocalypse?

Kanae: That's right. The Crimson Shinigami are too dangerous of a threat and I've yet to fully find the mole.

???: As always, you're probably overthinking things. You have a list of people in your head that are possible moles, right?

Kanae: I do. However, I need hard evidence to even prove that and most likely these moles would be way too smart to leave a trail, or any clue of sorts and I think they'd also be aware of the cameras watching their every move.

???: Well, you did report to me that the moles came from the Shinigami so they're no pushovers. Daigo would be the type to recruit the most perceptive and dangerous people in his ranks. You saw it yourself, didn't you?

Kanae: Yeah, they're all pretty scary. But I don't think that's the scariest part.

???: What do you mean?

Kanae: My problem is that some of the members if not almost every member has no information whatsoever. We have information on Daigo Haru and a bit from Chikao Tadashi, but the other members are an unknown quantity. I've done my research, and nothing came up. It's as if they never existed. There's no public information on them at all.

???: That's a little concerning. Don't tell me you're getting rusty with your detective skills?

Kanae: Eh!? Rusty?! Don't give that kind of crap! You have a habit of suddenly forgetting where your pen is. I think your memory is the one that's rusting.

???: What!? I swear to God, you can be bitch sometimes. Diss your senior again and I won't make you green tea again.

Kanae: Woah! Woah! Wait! You can't do that! I can't live a day without one! I was just joking!

She said with her arms stretched towards her.

???: You can really be a child sometimes. Anyways, have you seen my pen? 

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