twenty two

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Things have settled down and gone pretty much back to normal. 

I was back to my usual shifts at the cafe- well now reduced shifts seeing as I've employed another person on top of Ana and Tony- a nice woman called Becky. Which gave me a much needed break.

Luca has been back at school for a couple weeks now and didn't have any issues. Although he claimed that all the homework he got was a big issue in his life and I had to really convince him to do all of it.

Lewis and I haven't spoken about my big issue though- the elephant in the room. Which is that I've been staying at his house for too long now.

I understand it was safety precautions but now that we are in a relationship it kind of complicates things.

I don't want to feel like we are rushing into this and with the fact we practically already live together that more or less does that.

"Lewis?" I say to catch his attention.

We are currently sitting on the couch together in his living room. Watching the Netflix series drive to survive.

This is my opportunity to talk as the credits to the second episode start playing. It was about McLaren and Renault- which Lewis told me was now called alpine.

"Mhm?" He hums as he looks down at me from my position on his chest.

"Luca and I can probably go back to our house- I mean I really don't think Christopher is stupid enough to do anything." I say and Lewis's hand freezes on my waist causing me to place a hand to his chest to push myself up from him.

I look to him confused when he doesn't say anything.

"Are you sure?"

I have put a lot of thought into it so I nod my head instantly. "Yeah, I don't want to keep intruding on you and we still have loads of stuff back there." It has become quite annoying when I need something and have to drive all the way back.

"You're not intruding on me at all." He says pulling his brows together.

"Still, I think it's best if we go back."

He tightens his hold on my waist and pulls me closer to him "If you want to then I won't stop you, but know you're always welcome here."

"Yeah and I just think it makes more sense with us just starting a relationship and everything." I say to convince him because I can tell he's not too happy with the idea.

"Yeah." He mumbles as he stokes my head that's leaning back on his chest.

"Don't get all mopey- we are still going to see each other."

"I know- I know. I just worry- especially with Christopher." He pauses and takes in a deep breath "And the thought you there alone when that bastard could show up-"

"We'll be fine, I survived him long enough."


"If he shows up I won't let him in and I'll call you straight away." I compromise and I can tell this has eased his tension as he relaxes his body.

He doesn't verbally respond but he does place a kiss to the top of my head.

"Well I should probably get packing." I attempt to move out of his hold but he only tightens it not letting me leave.

"Woah- what's the rush."

"Well I can probably get everything ready before Luca finishes school and then we can just go straight home when I pick him up." I tell him my well thought out plan.

Saviour ; Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now