Chapter 31

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I woke knowing Kansas was the right place for both species with no idea why. Other than being central to the country, I didn't know much about it. Not that I needed to since I wasn't going to live there.

Whatever it was, the aliens would be happy with it. At least, as happy as possible living with each other.

How long would it be before I was called? It shouldn't be long. There was a strange sense of being rushed without being rushed.

I prayed while turning on my computer and smiled at the lack of spam. There was nothing, yet. All I could do was wait.

How much longer would I be needed? My role was nearing an end. I could feel it. God was making me very aware of the shortness of time.

Had it taken years, rather than a month, I'd still be doing as God wished.

A link appeared in my email. Who did it lead to? Until I clicked on it, I had no idea.

Clicking on it brought up the representatives who were glaring at one another. Neither Cranoth nor Deringia wanted to acknowledge each other out of hatred.

Had they been looking at their screens, they would've seen me.

"I've come up with a solution, Representatives," I said to get their attention, which worked.

They glared at me, while too stunned to talk. They weren't used to being treated that way. It irked them, which brought them common ground.

"You can build a colony, together, in Kansas, which is centrally located in America. It would protect you from other nations on Earth, and your own governments. They won't seek to take you back, if you build together. There's safety in being a mixed population, Representatives."

There were silent nods from both. They weren't looking at each other, which was fine. They didn't need to look at each other, just me.

"Working together isn't what your governments want. They want you to hate each other over something that happened generations ago. America has had plenty of hated enemies turned allies. Learn from us, Representatives."

More silent nods came before they spoke almost as one. "What you have proposed does sound like what our governments do not want. Very well. We'll create a colony, together, in Kansas."

The screen ended without so much as a thank you. Not that I needed it, but would've been nice to hear.

Between two WorldsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara