The Eyes

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Both siblings were ready to ski down the mountains.

Sonic turns to his sister and teased, "Betcha can't beat me big sis."

Sonia rolled her eyes and said, "Ugh. Quit with the competitive games Sonic. Besides we are only here for a couple of months and Amy's engagement party."

Sonic smirked and replied to her, "Hey. It won't mean we can't have fun. Come on Sonia, you know you want to win against your cute and cuddly baby brother."

He snickered before Sonia said flatly, "More like cocky and sneaky. Cute and cuddly is not your style, little brother."

Sonic snickered again as he muttered while he rolled his eyes, "Ehh, true to that."

That was when Sonic had a sudden feeling. He looked behind to see the woods behind him as Sonia asked, "Is something wrong Sonic?"

Sonic answered as he turns to Sonia, "I coulda sworn I sense someone watching me."

Sonia raised a brow and asked, "Do you have that feeling suddenly?"

Sonic shrugged and replied, "Duh...But what?"

Then that sudden feeling of being watched increased as they noticed something in the woods.

They slowly looked behind each other and nervously see what's or who's looking at them.

They see two pairs of eyes looking at them.

One pair of eyes was purple as lavender and the other pair of eyes was a golden yellow.

The two shook while the eyes looked at them. Sonia whispered in fright, "Wh-What is that...?"

Sonic whispered back as the two eyes fade away, "P-probably just Vector trying to scare us."

Sonia whispered to him back, "W-well it's working."

Sonic 'hides his fear' and shouted in a stern expression and a stern tone, "Okay Vector! Real funny! Now cut it out and come on out!"

No answer. The two looked at each other as Sonic sighed deeply and turns to the mountains.

Sonia then said, "L-Let's go. I gotta bad feeling about this."

Sonic nodded in agreement before the two siblings ski down the mountain 'trying to have fun'.

Unaware that their lives would change forever.

One male voice said, "Huh. A brother and a sister. They're really good looking."

A second voice replied to him, "I see the boy first. So don't even think about it."

The first voice said as he opened his yellow eyes, "Relax buddy. Besides, I find the older sister cute."

The second voice then said, "I'm fond of the younger brother but I don't think the leader of the alphas is going to be too happy about this."

The first voice replied calmly, "Relax pal. They won't know. These two are right for us."

The figure licked his lips as the second figure sighed deeply while looking at the hedgehog brother and sister skiing down the mountain."

The Alphas soulmatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora