The Ultimas Approval

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Sonic looks down in an awkward sort of way before he said to Knuckles, "This is... I...I'm a bit flattered that y-you killed for me, Red. But still..."

He trails off as Knuckles wrapped an arm around him and said, "By the full moon we will wed."

That was when suddenly Silver then said, "Hold it there Knuckles. Since we known their brother is the ultima. He has to approve of this with our parents."

Manic asked as he crossed his arms, "And where can I find them?"

Silver 'in a formal type of manner' answered him, "Follow us. We'll take you to them."

Manic nodded before he and his siblings followed.

<A short while later>

Silvers mother and Knuckles father were shocked as the pack were surprised.

In the presence of a ultima was shocking.

Knuckles flatly said, "I know. Shocking for us too."

Knuckles father asked, "THEIR BROTHERS THE ULTIMA?!"

Manic sighed deeply before Silvers mother asked, "What clan are you from?"

Manic stayed silent for a moment but then answered, "The Dark Eclipse clan."

The wolf groups gasped before Knuckles father said, "I...see. Well then, May we have a talk whether or not you approve of your siblings be wed?"

Manic nodded and answered, "You have my permission to speak with me about it."

That was when Manic walked with Knuckles father to a clearing nearby.

Silvers mother looks at the now wolf siblings and said, "Son? Judging from their appearances, your bride to be is now a Luna and Knuckles soulmate is, a Beta."

Sonia felt happy that she heard she's a Luna. But Sonic 'was a little more shocked about it.

Silver then said in a teasing tone as Silvers mother walk to the clearing Manic and Knuckles father are at, "Ha ha! Knuckles is getting a beta for a soulmate."

Knuckles sighed deeply and replied as he wrapped an arm around him, "On the contrary. Beta's are second in command & I don't have a problem with that."

Sonic blushed while feeling Knuckles arms around him.

Silver then turns to Sonia and said with a blush, "Look, I know we have known each other for a little bit and all but, I know we a meant to be. I love you Sonia."

Sonia replied to him with a smile just after kissing his cheek, "I love you too Silver."

That was when Knuckles father and Silvers mother came back as Manic followed behind.

Knuckles asked, "What is it Father?"

Silvers asked, "Were we? Declined?"

Silvers mother answered, "Quiet the opposite son."

Knuckles father then said, "Manic has approved of you both for his siblings hand in marriage. However he says for you both to treat them really well or their father won't be too happy."

Knuckles replied to him as he took Sonics hand, "I understand but know this. I will promise to treat Sonic well as we marry underneath the full moon."

Silver then said, "I'll do the same with Sonia."

Manic smiled as he thought, "I hope so. But I want my sibs to be happy. Just as long as Father doesn't get upset."

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