Waves Murder

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Everything seemed calm the next day.

Though Manic questions and judges the two men that have their eyes on Sonic and Sonia, least until the next evening came.

Espio and Sora were walking around 'investigating' before he looks to see something on the floor in front of Waves door.

A message 'that had Sonics name on it in curly letters'.

Espio gasped as Sora and him looked in worry. Sora said as Espio picks it up, "Oh no. Sensei, this is..."

He trailed off.

<a little bit later>

The group gathered inside Waves room as Sonic and Sonia had worried look on their faces.

Wave wasn't even in, but... something was wrong.

Shawn said in his usual serious tone as he opened the letter, "...A message for Sonic this time."

Espio replied to him, "Yeah, I found it at the door when Sora and I were walking around. Trying to find clues."

Manic looks at a big square treasure chest style box and asked, "What the heck is this?"

Storm answered him, "Oh that chest? Wave keeps her clothes in there."

Manic slowly opens it and when it was completely opened, it was shocking.

It was Wave 'dead'. Her beak was smashed a little, her body was covered in claw marks and so much gore was hanging from the whole on her chest.

She was blindfolded (her eyes were on her lap), in the same clothes she was in when Manic saw her.

Sonic and Sonia screamed bloody murder as Manic and Storm stepped back.

Storm shouted, "OH CRAP!! WAVE NO!!"

Shawn reads the letter allowed, "To my lovely blue heart: Sonic. As you see is a broken doll packed away in a box. A gift I have brought to you, 2 blue orchid stained red."

Shawn looks as the two siblings were shaking.

Boomer sees two blue orchids on her chest, and picks them up and said, "T. It's the same as the time as Jet. She was mauled badly before her heart was ripped out of her. But, her eyes were yanked out."

Tails shutters as Manic was skeptic as Espio said, "Come to think of it. Sora overheard Wave, Bartleby, and Sally arguing last night."

Sonia asked, "One of my ex-boyfriends?"

Sonic asked, "Sally? What is that snob doing here?"

Charmy replied with a shrug, "Who knows?"

Espio asked, "Could it be? That they did this?"

Manic asked Espio, "Are you sure about that?"

Espio answered, "Think about it Manic. Wave has been arguing a whole lot lately with Sally."

Manic then said, "We can sort this out by asking them."

He turns to Tails and asked, "Tails, where's Bartleby and Sally now?"

Tails answered, "Probably at Sally's room."

The group then rushed to Sally's room. Though this is where their last victims are at as a snow storm started.

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