Murder At The Resort

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A/N: Caution Boys and Girls. This chapter won't be pretty. It's a bloody scene.

The whole group was awoken by a woman's scream in terror.

Everyone jolted awake before everyone 'including the Hedgehog Siblings' rushed to the scene.

It was Wave 'standing in terror and tears'.

Sonic rushed to her and asked, "What the hell happened?"

Manic then replied, "What's the matter?"

Wave whimpered and pointed shakily in the room.

They were hit with the smell of fresh blood.

What they saw was extremely awful. It was Jet The Hawk on the bed. He was mauled and slashed.

His eyes were widened in terror. His heart was missing, his guts and blood were scattered all over the bed.

At the end of the bed was a letter. Manic asked himself in shock, "What the hell?!"

Not long after, Tails and Boomer showed up as Boomer said in a serious tone, "I'm no doctor everyone, but this is a grisly sight to see."

Boomer checked his pulse before he said, "He's dead..."

Sonic and Sonia looked at each other as Tails and Boomer looked at the room.

The two geniuses turns to everyone as Boomer said, "We may need a minute everyone."

<A short while later>

Everyone was in the lobby as Manic kept close to his siblings.

That was when Tails and Boomer came back as Boomer said, "Me and T, have the autopsy results. We may not be doctors but still..."

Manic asked, "What's the results bud?"

That was when Tails replied, "Well, judging from the smell and appearance of the room. The time of death was around 1 to 3 in the morning. The cause of death was a ferocious attack judging from the carcass. Also Jets heart was ripped out just before he died."

Wave asked Boomer and Tails, "You don't mean..?"

Boomer replied, "Afraid so dudette. He was murdered. But why?"

Wave replied, "It was probably Manic. He do anything to protect those two slutty siblings of his."

Sonic and Sonia 'offended' shouted, "HEY, WE HEARD THAT!!"

Shawn then protested with a grouchy tone, "Not possible babe. Manic was in his room the whole time.  Making sure no one harms Sonic or Sonia. Sure he is psychotic but he only gets provoked when either of them get harmed."

Wave sighed stressfully asked, "Who else would it be?"

Shawn then said, "Look! If Manic actually did it he woulda had blood on his gloves by now. Plus he's doesn't kill like some wild animal."

Wave looks at the gloves before she said and sighed deeply, "Good point... But still who would do this to Jet?"

Espio then suggested, "He must be another victim of the wolf attacks that were recently done here."

The group gasped before Tails asked, "Are you saying that Jet was murdered by a wolf or something?"

Espio answered, "Probably. This ski resort is popular due to its legend of the Alphas. Not to mention the attack he had was 'similar' to the ones. Some of the guest here heard scratching and howling. Assuming someone had a rabid dog, We spoke to everyone in the resort but not one person had a dog due to the 'no pets allowed' rule."

That was when Tails looked at the letter from the scene and said, "The envelope is blank."

That was when Tails opened it and took out the letter.

He red allowed just after clearing his throat, "It says: To our loves: Sonic and Sonia. My friend and I are the ones that actually love you. The lust of that green bird has been eliminated from your lives as we place the sacrificial heart upon the alter of where soon you both stand with us."

Boomer 'In surprised' said, "A message from the murderers."

Tails asked his blue best friend, "Know anything about this Sonic?"

Sonic shook his head as Sonia said in a nervous, "No and why is it address to us? It's freaking us out."

Rouge raised a brow and said, "Looks like you both have secret admirers."

Shadow asked, "Who's it from?"

Tails answered Shadow, "It doesn't say."

Amy held onto her husband to be's arm as Vector said, "Regardless, we need to stay sharp no matter what happens."

Everyone in the room stayed silent as the two siblings feel like they were being watched again.

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