Sonics Encounter

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The blue hedgehog looked around for a moment but then he remembered that he was going to go skiing with Manic and Tails.

Knowing this would be a perfect opportunity to go skiing, he went to his room and put on his snow clothes on.

Unaware that a certain red echidna was following him.

Sonic just got his snow shoes on while adjusting his snow goggles.

He heard a knock on the door as Sonic said 'assuming it was just Manic or Tails check in on him', "Hold on guys, I'll be there in a sec."

He got his gloves on before he grabbed his skis and opened the door as he said, "Alright let's shred some ice..."

He then sees it was neither Manic or Tails.

It was a red echidna Sonic didn't recognize. The blue hedgehog was puzzled before he asked, "Umm... Can I help you?"

The red echidna answered while looking at him with familiar purple eyes, "Question is blue, are you an angel sent from above?"

Sonic raised a brow before he said, "Uhhh, hehe, look dude I uhh... don't know whatcha want but I gotta be honest... I-I haft to get going."

Sonic only walked about 18 feet away from the red echidna but he was pinned to the wall by him.

Sonic blushed and said, "Whoa! Look pal, I..I...I didn't mean to upset you It's just..."

The red echidna smirked and replied as he caressed the blue hedgehogs delicate face, "Relax blue boy. I'm not going to harm you. I just need a moment of your time is all. What do you say?"

Sonic looked at him as his heart skipped a beat. The red echidna was indeed handsome Sonic sees it deep down that he is indeed dangerous.

The blue hedgehog swallowed nervously but then asked, "Wh-What do you need from me?"

The red echidna grinned 'revealing some really sharp teeth'.

That what when the red echidna smirked a little before he placed his lips on Sonics.

The cobalt hedgehog was surprised. He blushed while his heart started to beat rapidly.

He let out a little squeak as the red echidna broke the kiss.

He smiled and said, "Well? I better get going. Catch ya later cutie."

The red echidna walked off 'leaving a dumbstruck Sonic behind'.

Sonic asked himself while looking down and going to the ski area, "What the hell just happened?"

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