Suddenly Seduced

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Sonic was alone in the hallway. While walking slowly he kept taking a few deep breaths.

The cobalt hedgehog can't even get what has happened out of his head.

First Jet and now Vector. What was going on?

Sonic said to himself, "Shit. All the more reason it's confusing. Yet really scary."

He then asked himself, "What can be more shocking than this?"

He walked passed a half opened door before he was suddenly grabbed by the arm as a male voice said, "What is more shocking? I think I have an answer for that blue boy."

Sonic reacted too late when he was suddenly dragged into the room.

That was when the cobalt hedgehog landed on a bed as he grunted.

The next thing he knew, was staring at a pair of familiar purple eyes.

Sonic gasped as Knuckles asked, "Hey there cutie. Did you miss me?"

Sonic replied while shaking, "Y-you're that guy that kissed me in the hallway yesterday."

Knuckles chuckled seductively before he said, "Correct blue. So, I was thinking we can go a little deeper."

Sonic chuckled nervously and said to him, "Ehhehe. Look, no offense but I just met you so..."

Sonic tried to scoot away but Knuckles pinned both his wrists to the bed as Sonic let out a tiny little squeak in fright.

Knuckles chuckled a little and said seductively, "I don't think I'll let you go just yet. You and I are going to have a little fun."

That was when Knuckles got close to Sonics neck and starts kissing it.

Sonic lets out a little groan as he blushed a bright red.

Sonic thought as his mind was racing, "What the hell is happening?!"

Knuckles grinned with his sharp teeth before he bit Sonic 'who gasped at the sharp teeth biting him'.

Sonic shook and sweat whispered to him as Knuckles moved his hand towards his crotch, "Y-You have really sharp teeth..."

Knuckles grinned before he got close to his lips and whispered to Sonic, "The better to bite your delicate neck & leave marks on you, my blue angel."

That was when he kissed Sonic on the lips again, this time the kiss went deep as his tongue immediately enters Sonics mouth.

The cobalt hedgehog was frozen and feeling the pleasure take over him as he can feel his crotch being groped.

That was when he moaned and groaned in pleasure as he felt Knuckles hands touching him all over.

He felt a little absent minded while feeling an arm making him in a sit up position though Knuckles was looki forward to what he'll do to Sonic.

The blue hedgehog felt his crotch on Knuckles as his legs were between the red echidna.

He broke the kiss with a sexy grin.

He then whispered to him, "Now, time for the big one blue boy."

Sonic wanted to tell him to stop but something was stopping him.

He blushed fiercely while he felt the red echidna grind against him.

Sonic uttered while moaning from the grinding and thrusting, "Ple-Please!! Not so hard..."

Before the seducing went further, Silver bursts in and to his shock.

Knuckles sees him and shouted, "WHAT THE FUCK SILVER!?"

Silver replied, "We need to talk now."

Knuckles then asked, "What now?! I'm busy!"

Silver replied coldly, "I can see that!! But we gotta talk now!"

Knuckles asked, "Can't this wait til I fuck him?!"

Silver simply said, "No.."

Sonic then felt something strange inside of him as his heart starting beating fast.

He screamed as he felt an intense pain in his head, "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!"

He then flies back with a force about the same time his and Sonia's transformation started in a snails pace.

Knuckles eyes widened as Silver asked, "The fuck did you do?!"

He then said as he turned into wolf form and said, "Know what?! I don't wanna know! Let's go!!"

He rushed out with Knuckles 'leaving an unconscious Sonic behind'.

The door was left open before Manic walked passed the door but stopped half way as he sees Sonic unconscious as he gasped in fright.

Manic rushes to Sonic and sees he was not harmed but had some hand marks and a bite mark on his neck.

Manic looked around before he carried his brother back to their room.

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