Late At Night

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After the party, everyone went into their rooms. Sonic and Sonia were alone in the lobby as they looked outside at the snowy mountains.

Sonia and Sonic couldn't help but feel like they are being watched still.

Sonic sighed deeply 'thinking Jets perverted tone' as he said, "Jet gets real perverted when he's drunk. I mean I keep turning him down every fucking time he asks me out."

Sonia replied to him, "You're telling me little brother. He wouldn't stop looking at me either."

The two sighed deeply as Sonia asked, "Still think Vector was trying to scare us Sonic?"

Sonic answered his sister with a deep and nervous tone, "Probably not. I lectured Vector about what happened at the mountains but it turned out he was with Charmy at the bathhouse the whole time. Charmy confirmed it when he told us."

Sonia looked puzzled before she asked, "Then who or what was looking at...?"

That was when the feeling came again. The two felt as if someone was looking at them.

They couldn't help but wondered what was looking at them. It was late at night so they couldn't tell.

Sonic nervously said, "Someone is watching us..."

Sonia replied 'trying to reassure', "I'm not sure about that. Maybe it's just Jet."

Sonic then said nervously, "I don't think so. That feeling was still with us when Jet was talking to us. But what or who is looking at us?"

That was when they see someone in the shadows of the hallway.

Sonic asked, "Hello? Who's there?"

They walked around before they could get closer, the shadowy figures walked off as Sonia asked, "Manic? Tails? Is that you two?"

The two looked at each other before walking back to the lobby. Sonia then suggested, "M-Maybe we should get to our room."

Sonic replied to her, "Not until that pervert Jet passes out. If we head upstairs chances are he'll try to seduce one of us. Drunk or not."

Though they coulda sworn they heard a low growl.

Sonic and Sonia look back as Sonia asked, "Was I the only one that heard it?"

Sonic shook his head no and replied, "No I heard it too. Wondered where that growl came from. I doubt anyone brought their pets here."

The two walked off as a male voice said while a low growl, "Keep your voice down dumbass. We can't approach them yet."

The second voice said angrily and low, "Well, sorry!! I don't want any other asshole taking who will be mine. Besides, you and I know that bastard will try to have his way with them unless we do something."

The first voice then said 'agreeing', "True. But, our parents won't be too pleased if they found out we '2 alphas' are seeking two mortal beings to be our soulmates."

The second voice then said 'revealing to belong to a red echidna with purple wolf eyes with a wolf tail and wolf ears', "I don't give a damn about it. Neither do you Silver. Besides, any other person 'who dares stand in our way' will be feeling our fangs."

The first voice 'revealing to belong to a white hedgehog with a wolf rail and ears' with golden yellow wolf eyes' said, "Can't argue with that. But yeah, the pink babes with me. The blue boys yours."

The red echidna smirked and nodded.


Manic was walking around with Shawn before hearing a talk between Jet and Wave inside their room.

Wave said to Jet in the room, "But Jet. Give it up. Don't you see I love you and not them?! No matter what you do they'll always refuse you!"

Manic and Shawn easedropped as Jet replied, "Look baby. I don't give a damn. They'll come to their senses sooner. Even if it means I can have both of Manics little siblings. They'll be kissing my dick in no time."

Wave 'who was really angered by this' asked, "So you decide to choose your obsession with one of the siblings over me?! Give up Jet!! I love you!!"

Wave then runs our crying as Shawn and Manic looked at her running off.

Shawn said in his usual emo tone, "Talk about a dramatic scene."

Manic deeply hateful and muttered, "I am so not going to hold back when Jet tries to harm them."

The two walked off to their rooms while Manic 'determined to protect Sonic and Sonia'.

Jet closed the door 'unaware that two shadows were approaching the door'.

<a few minutes later>

The siblings were in their room with Manic. Sonic asked as he sat on the bed, "You feeling alright Big bro?"

Manic 'trying to act like his normal self' replied, "I'm cool dude. Just, feeling intense."

Sonia laid down and asked, "Manic? Do you ever have that feeling that something weird is happening?"

Manic didn't reply as he sighed deeply. He then walks to the balcony and replied, "I need some air. You both have a good night."

Sonic laid down as both siblings fell asleep.

Manic whispered as he looked at them in concern, "Goodnight my little sibs."

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