Chapter 22

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If there's one thing Taehyung noticed while he and Jimin were together, it was his aura. There's something about the witch that makes him shiver but in a good way.

They arrived at the arboretum where all kinds of trees and flowers grows. It is where the palace get their daily herbs supplies but not everything that is in the arboretum are being use, some are being neglected and those are the ones that haven't been studied yet by the scholars if they are good to use or something that is poisonous off to mankind.

"What are we looking for?" he finally asks, noticing that Jimin is unsatisfied with the ones that they are currently using as a day-to-day herbs.

"Some Valerian roots and Passion flower."

"Are those for spells?"

"Nope, but those are for Hoseok."

"What do you mean those are for hyung?"

"He'll be using it for good sleep,"

Taehyung scratches his head, unsure of what Jimin's answer, of what it meant exactly but decided to help him in picking out some of the lavander that they are using in Leukos as an air freshener, and some chammomile that they use as tea. He made sure to get a little more than is neeeed as he remembers it is one of Jin's favorite tea.

"Hyung?" he called out to Jimin, when he notices him going to the area where untested plants of the scholars yet are.

Jimin pouts upon seeing the many undiscovered, or rather plants that arent't tested yet by the scholars of their benefits. It was a lot. Like, some of them had already wittered and one of those are the herbs that he needs for Hoseok. There are Hops, St. John's Wort, Holy Basil, Passion flower, Valerian roots, Mint and a whole lot which he knows he will soon make us of, but for now, he will only get the ones he needs.

Taehyung eyes widen when he saw how carelessly Jimin picked out the mint leaves and just shoved in his mouth.

"H-Hyung! What are you doing? You might get sick by doing that or else dead!" he exclaimed in panic, running over to Jimin to try to swat the mint off of his hand but the elder just waved his hands off of him, chuckling, that makes him stunned and curious as to why, worrying that this might be the immediate effects of the leaf the other just munched over.

"Relax, darling." Jimin finally said, picking another mint leaf and hand over to Taehyung, "It's not poisonous. In fact, this is kind of sweet and cool in the mouth. It's called Mint Leaves. It ain't going to kill you."

Taehyung warily took the leaf from Jimin and tried smelling it a little and tasting it a little with his tongue surprise how correct the elder is with what he said, so he slowly tried chewing it in small pieces, distracted on how it didn't kill them when he thinks it was both their first time to see such leaves.

While the younger was busy on munching mint leaves, happy with his little discovery today, he failed to noticed Jimin closing his eyes as he walks down the path, trying to access his library in his mind to look for a spell that will be able to drizzle the plants there in, just enough to nourish them.

Jimin immediately opened his eyes the moment he found what he is looking for. He pouts when he realised that it'll be a big takeaway if he suddenly chant to do a rain spell so he had to do it another way, otherwise Taehyung might spill to the king that he is indeed a witch. As much as he wants to help the younger in his journey in becoming a witch, even though he is a bookkeeper, if he will end up being killed by Yoongi then it'll be useless so he needs to think of ways it will be done discreetly exactly how he use the candle as an alibi whenever he tries to practice his fire magic.

So he invicibly trace corresponding runes for the rain on the ground with his feet as he hums a familiar song that he once heard, making sure he dances around the rune. Getting lost on the imagery he has inside his head, forgetting the fact that he is with Taehyung who, by now was starstruck of Jimin's sudden change of aura and can feel a slight pang on his chest as he hears the song the elder is singing. It makes him want to cry and so does the sky.

And the day that we'll watch the death of the sun

That the cloud and the cold and those jeans you have on

Then you'll gaze unafraid as they sob from the city roofs

Then, it happened. Just exactly how Jimin wanted. It starts from one to two small teardrops of water falling from the sky until it becomes a lot but not enough to be considered as a rain, only a drizzle.

While the sky is sad, the land beneath where the teardrops fall are happy that some of the flowers and plants mysteriously sparkle, Taehyung made a mental note that this isn't something normal to happen if it was just anybody but how did the elder did it when he didn't have any tools around him? Didn't carve a rune somewhere?

Unbeknowst to him, he wasn't the only one wondering how it happened. Namjoon just happens to be there nearby the area too, with Yoongi tagging along. Checking on the progress of the plants that is being studied by some other scholars aside from Namjoon to be given to the healers.

However, instead of Yoongi focusing on the fact that it is raining only on that area where Jimin and Taehyung are, he focuses on what the song Jimin sang meant. Is it really a spell or just a love song about falling in love while having all these worst case scenarios in your head that makes you think things but still trying to find the good in it? Regardless, it makes him blue but hopeful and so is the sky, no wonder it shed a tear in his song.

"Hyung?" Namjoon called when Yoongi suddenly turned his back and starts walking away. Surprised that the king doesn't want to annoy the witch today as he is used to.

"Don't let them know I was with you," he said, before completely leaving his advisor behind but not missing the chance to hear Jimin's giggles. Probably Taehyung said something to the other and for some reason, he hopes that he'll have the chance to do that too and to see that side of Jimin giggling.

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