Chapter 23

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"You seem different," Jin utters as he stares at Hoseok, who had been in the past few days had been sleeping well after following all the things Jimin had told him to do. It was a miracle indeed for him to be able to sleep like a baby ever since he could remember having this problem and for that, he is thankful to the witch.

"Am I? It's good to hear then,"

"Did you do something unusual on your routine, Seokie? Share it with me! Hyung needs to look more good than I am now," says Jin, pouting as he sheepishly looks at Namjoon, hoping it'll get his attention. Of course, it did but Namjoon didn't make it obvious. The man don't want to be called out by the prince's brother as they eat their breakfast at the table because now, who would want that, right? It's too early to receive teases from their friends.

"There was a change in routine, hyung, yes but that was just all because I now get a good amount of sleep. I never thought I'll still be able to achieve it but I did."

"So you were finally able to find a healer that helped you, hyung?"

"Actually," Hoseok looks at Taehyung before continuing, "It was Jimin who helped me."

"Jimin? The witch, er bookkeeper?" asks Namjoon, surprised that it wasn't a healer who resolved the General's concern, "Oh, so that's why you two were at the Arboretum."

Taehyung nods, "Yeah. Hyung asked me to accompany him to find herbs for Hoseok hyung."

"Really? He allowed you?" asks Jin, surprised, because it's rare for witches to asks for help or get apprentices and pretty much a no-no if it's from someone who isn't a pure-blood witch. He grew up knowing that most witches don't teach each other. They usually learn on their own and just sort of collaborate with another, if a crticial or big spell requires more than one witch.

"Yes! He did! I was actually surprised that he allowed me because before that, I was actually sneaking behind him in secret but he was quick to notice what I was doing. He also provided some notes to Namjoon hyung regarding the herbs we picked that day that hasn't been studied yet of what it is and what it does."

"Is it true?" asks Yoongi, surprised that Jimin did what he had done. Although he was aware that Jimin and Taehyung were together that day, but they didn't need to know that. Only he and Namjoon knew, because once they find out, Jin might think it's suspicious of Yoongi that he did nothing to annoy the witch when he has the chance, given the fact that the two always bicker.

Namjoon nods, "And he, he was actually correct. I studied it myself and it seems to me that he is really knowledgeable of those herbs that us, scholars haven't studied yet."

"Of course, he is. Afterall, Jimin's a witch."

"Bookkeeper, Father. He's a bookkeeper," Jungkook corrects him.

"Then how would you explain to me the things he'd done?"

"Because like what Jimin hyung had always been telling us, he learned everything from the books. Bookkeepers are like scholars but in extreme. Imagine, how hard it has been for hyung in his world to be a person like him. Reading and reading tons of scrolls without a rest. It's like they're trained to not just be the book that gives answers to every questions but the knowledge itself that is being seek by many," replies Jungkook, and Yoongi can't help but to feel a little bit of guilt by imagining exactly how his son told him, what life it has been for Jimin from where he came from.

Then, he remembered Jimin telling him once before that it  also became the reason why he died because people there from his world became so greedy for power that they were willing to do anything just to get what they want, even killing the best bookkeeper and that was Jimin to get what they want when the bookkeeper refused to help them.

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