Chapter One

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One month. I've only lived here for one month, and I was constantly pulled into these arguments between Cartman and Wendy.

"Girls are, too, smarter than boys. (Y/N) is the perfect example," Wendy argued.

"Oh, please, she is about as smart as a door knob compared to Kyle," Cartman responded.

Yet again, Kyle and I were stuck listening to the two of them argue. I've been here a month, and I was automatically labeled the smartest girl. Kyle was the smartest guy, and since I've lived here, everything between Kyle and I did was a competition for everyone else. They were always so curious to who got the higher grade. Personally, I didn't care, and I don't think Kyle really did either.

I looked over to Kyle, who looked bored as hell.

I had to admit. In the month that I've lived here, I have seemed to develop a small crush on the red headed, Jewish boy. He was smart, tall, and hot. He, also, was one of the few people in this town who had any common sense.

"Fine, then for the Science Fair project, (Y/N) will be my partner and Kyle will be yours, and whoever wins is right," Wendy purposed.

That caught my attention.

"Wendy, I'm not letting you use me to get a good grade," I calmly said.

Ever since Wendy found out that I was smarter than her, she always tried to get me to do her stuff. I partnered up with her once and I ended up doing all the work. I didn't even like her as a person, and I sure as hell wasn't letting her use me again.

"Plus, I'm not being partners with Fatass," Kyle added.

"Stupid Jew," Eric mumbled.

"If anything, Kyle and I should be partners," I said with as much courage as I could muster.

Kyle looked at me wide eyed, "Really?"

"Yeah, the two smartest kids in class working on a project together, we would for sure win," I shrugged, trying to not blush.

The bell rang, and Wendy and Cartman went to their desks cursing under their breath, but Kyle didn't move.

"Sure, I'll be your partner," Kyle smiled before going to his desk.

I felt my face get very red as a large grin formed.

I can't believe I asked him. No, I cant believe he said yes. Now, my only obstacle is Bebe.

Bebe was practically Kyle's bitch, but Kyle was too oblivious to notice that. She would do anything to get in bed with him, and she would get rid of anyone who got in her way. I've never talked to her, and Kyle was the reason why. She didn't know about my small crush, but I felt it to be better to distance myself anyways. Plus, she was kind of a ditzy bitch.

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