Chapter Seven

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The bell rang, signaling it was time to go to 8th period.  I was really nervous.  Whoever this tutor was, they were going to know that I'm not nearly as smart as I seemed.

"(Y/N)?" a voice behind me asked.

I turned around to see Kyle.  Out of all people in this entire school, it had to be Kyle.  Great.

"H-hey Kyle," I stuttered.

"You aren't the one I'm tutoring, are you?" he asked, looking around the room.

I quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him down to the chair next to me, and whispered, "Why don't you just scream it over the intercom?"

"Sorry, I just didn't expect it to be you," he apologized.

"I just don't understand geometry, okay?" I told him slightly aggravated.

"It's fine.  I completely understand.  It's not as easy as it looks," he responded.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.  "It looks hard, too."

"I'm talking about being the smart kid.  You know all the pressure and not just the school work.  There is peer pressure.  Once you established the smart kid, people are asking for homework all the time, so then you're not just worried about your grades, but the potential of ruining other kids grades, too," he explained.

"Exactly why I need an A in this class," I sighed.

"That's why I'm here," he pointed out as he got his books out.

We worked all period, and I had to admit that his way was much easier.  Plus, working with Kyle made the period go by rather fast.  Soon, the bell was ringing.

"Well, it seems you have the hang of this," he commented.

"Yeah, thanks to you," I added.

"Um, I better head off to practice," he quickly packed up his things and headed for the door. He was almost out the door before he turned back around to say, "Hey, um, tonight, us guys were going to Stan's to play his PS4, if you wanted to come."

I gave him a confused look, "But I'm a girl?"

"Yeah so?  You're pretty awesome to hang out with.  Be there at 6:30, and there will be pizza," he smiled.

"I giggled, "okay, I'll see you then."

He fist bumped the air and ran out the door, leaving me a blushing mess.

Not as Easy as It Looks: Kyle Broflovski x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now