Chapter Eight

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By 6:30, it was already pretty dark. Stan only lived a few blocks away, but it was still a cold walk. Though, it was October in Colorado, right by the mountains, so what should I expect? On the Brightside, I was adapting to this weather quite nicely.

I reached Stan's and knocked on the door, only to have his mom answer the door.

"Oh hello, you must be one of Stan's friends. He is in his upstairs in his room with the others," she informed me.

I thanked her and ran upstairs. I wasn't sure which room it was until I heard a bunch of noise behind one of the doors. I quietly knocked.

"Come in!" Stan shouted from behind the door.

I hesitantly opened the door.

"Sup (Y/N)?" Kyle greeted.

I gave him a shy smile before taking a seat next to him in the bed. We played for quite a while before getting interrupted by Stan's dad.

"STAN!" he practically screamed outside the door before opening it.

Stan rolled his eye, not turning form the game he was in the middle of, "What?"

"Stan, your pizza is here," Randy told us.

After he told us that, Randy continued to stand in the door way half naked. "So, are you coming to get it, or-"
"I'll be down once I'm done with this round, okay Dad?" Stan said, obviously annoyed.

"Okay Stan," Randy walked away with his head down.

Not long after that, I heard a load groan from Stan, signaling that he lost.

"I'm going to get the pizza," he mumbled angrily as he left he room.

While he was gone, Cartman challenged me to a game. I was hesitant to accept since I haven't played my Okama Game Sphere since before the move. Unfortunately, it was lost between (home town) and South Park. Never the less, I accepted, and surprisingly, I won. Quite easily, might I add. Needless to say, Cartman was very upset.

"C'mon Fatass, she won. Get over it," Kyle whined.

"No, the only reason she won is because I hurt my wrist at football the other day," Cartman spat.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that bitch?" Cartman angrily asked.

I put my hands up to show that I surrendered.

"Leave her alone Fatass," Kyle chimed in.

"Damn, now I'm confused. Do you have a thing for Bebe or for (Y/N)? Or are you trying to sneak your way around with both of them, you sneaky little Jew?" Cartman glared at him.

"Shut up, Fatass!" Kyle shouted.

"Will you two stop arguing for longer than ten minutes so we can enjoy some pizza?" Stan entered the room.

All the boys rushed him as I stayed behind, stuck in my own thoughts.

Kyle really does have a thing for Bebe? I know he friend zoned me, and I have to accept that, but him and Bebe? The thought makes me want to gag. I could never imagine them together. I-

"(Y/N), you want any pizza?" Kyle asked, interrupting my thoughts by handing me a slice.

"Oh, yeah, thanks," I smiled, accepting the piece.

Not as Easy as It Looks: Kyle Broflovski x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum