Chapter Nineteen

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We pulled up to Clyde's block, and the first thing that caught my eye was Kyle's car.

"Oh no, Kyle is here. Please, just take me home," I begged.

"Why does he worry you so much?' Craig asked, obviously irritated.

"What's your problem?" I asked, knowing he was upset.

"Kyle," he answered.

"What? Why-"

"Because you only seem to care about Kyle," Craig snapped. "Why do you continuously worry about Kyle? You dated me to get him jealous-"

"That was your idea," I interrupted.

"Did you ever consider that I had a different reasoning for that?" he questioned.

This was way more emotions that I have ever gotten from Craig.

"(Y/N), I like you, but you like Kyle. When I saw you crying, I took the opportunity to comfort you. Every time I said you were prefect, I meant it. When I said we should date, I really wanted to just get to spentd time with you so you'd like me the way you liked Kyle. Please tell me it worked," he pleaded.

I was speechless.

What do I tell him? Do I tell him the truth and break his heart? Or do I lie and continue the pretty decent life I've been having with him? If I stay with Craig, I wont have to fear being hurt again. Is that what I want though? A life where I didn't put myself out there? There is only one option.

I sighed, "I can't."

He hit the steering wheel, causing me to flinch, "Damnit."

"You just don't give me the same butterflies that Kyle does, and even after everything that happened between us, those butterflies are still there. Every time I hear his name, I just cant help but smile," I admitted more to myself than to him.

I looked to Craig who was staring off into space. I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Craig, you are very attractive, and though most don't know it, you are very caring. Someday you'll meat a girl who gives you those butterflies and also has the same. She is out there. I'm not the only girl in the world. I'll see you inside," I told I'm before getting out and leaving him in the car alone.

Not as Easy as It Looks: Kyle Broflovski x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now