Chapter Twenty-Two

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Kyle squealed throughout my house.

It was cute at first, but he soon started to give me a head ache.

"Shhh, Kyle, (Y/N) is asleep," I quieted him. "You don't want to wake her and make her even more upset with you.

Kyle flinched and covered his mouth instantly, before saying, "But I want to see (Y/N)."

"Well, if you go to bed, when you wake up, (Y/N) will be up," I purposed.

He nodded eagerly.

I went a head and got him a glass of water and painkillers for the morning. I led him upstairs to my room. I set the water and pills on the night stand and went to change into a t-shirt and shorts.

"Okay, Kyle, I need you to stay right here," I commanded.

I went into the bathroom and changed as quickly as I could, in fear Kyle would break something in his drunken state. Once I got back into my room, Kyle was in only his boxers and socks.

"W-why are y-your cloths off?" I blushed, trying to not stare at his toned body.

"I'm going to bed," he simply stated.

I told him to lay down and tucked him in. I turned to leave, but Kyle grabbed me.

"Wait," he pleaded.

"Now what?" I complained.

"Please don't leave me," he cried.

I contemplated my options, I could sleep with a very drunk, attractive, boy and cuddle for the rest of the night, or I could sleep on my lumpy couch.

I smiled to myself.

I know this is wrong, but if I leave him here, he'll just get up and find me. Plus, if I leave, he'll cry again. I can't do that to him.

"Okay, but only for tonight," I agreed.

He let out a squeal as he made room for me in the bed, "Oh, you're cold. Let me help." he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled into his my hair.

I blushed terribly as I turned the lamp off, causing the room to darken completely.

"Do you think (Y/N) will forgive me?" he randomly asked.

"Yeah, I know she will," I confirmed.

"Are you sure you aren't (Y/N)?" he asked.

I let out a sigh and a small laugh, "I'm sure."

"That's too bad, I think I love (Y/N)," he mumbled.

"Y-you w-what?" I questioned.

Kyle didn't respond, he only let out small snores. I tried to shake him awake, but it was no use, he was out. I felt a pit grow in my stomach and tried to get out of the bed, but Kyle's grip tightened. He pulled me in closer and slowly my problems melted away, until I was to the point of cuddling back into his chest.

No! Don't say it! Don't say it!

"I love you too," I admitted before falling asleep.

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