Chapter Ten

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I woke up the next day for school, contemplating if I wanted to go or not. Then, it hit me. If I just tell Kyle how I feel before he asks Bebe out, I'll be set. I was pumped now. I had to get to school before my confidence faded.

I was at the school in 30 minutes, which was pretty impressive since I still had to shower. I roamed around the building, knowing that Kyle comes to school early. I finally spotted him by his locker, and I quickly approached him.

"Hey (Y/N)," he smiled.

"Hey Kyle," I greeted back. "There is something I need to tell you."

"I have news to tell you too, but you go first," he insisted.

Suddenly, I felt a pit grow in my stomach.

No! Confidence, you will not fail me now.

"IreallyreallylikeyouandwantedyoutoknowbeforeyouaskBebeout," I told him as quick as I possibly could've.

Kyle's eyes widened, and before I knew it, a certain blonde came and wrapped her arms around Kyle's waist from behind. That's when I realized what just happened.

I nervously laughed, "Ha ha, just kidding, well, I got to go but nice chat."

I quickly ran down the hall, not really knowing where my destination was. I heard Kyle call my name, but that just made me pick up my speed. I decided to just go to the detention room, since no one would be in there at this time.

I took a seat at an empty desk and sobbed into my hands. I heard the door open and close, but I refused to look up, in fear that it was Kyle.

"(Y/N)?" a monotone voice asked.

Not as Easy as It Looks: Kyle Broflovski x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now