Chapter 15 Movies

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I was hoping to leave right after Mrs. Toji's class was over but Gojo had other plans. Once Mr. Toji had left Gojo pounced on me. Gojo wrapped his arms around my waist holding me in place. Yuji and Nobara had both tried to pry him off of me to no avail. Gojo just kept repeating the same thing over and over again.

"Please go to the movies with me" 

"No," I said for the hundredth time

Each of my nos kept getting weaker and weaker. Gojo could tell he was wearing me down so he continued to pester me. I had hoped that Shoko or Geto would have jumped in and come to my rescue but they just stood off to the side sneakering. No one had left everyone was still there watching the strange interaction. 

Finally, I snapped "Fine I'll go-" Gojo looked so excited as I broke "-but I am bringing my friends with me" I added pointing towards Yuji, Megumi, Junpei, and Nobara who had given up on rescuing and now where just standing off to the side defeated

Gojo pouted "It's not a date if others come with us" 

"Good" I just retorted coldly

An arm slung itself over my shoulder I looked to see it belonged to Mahito "So what movie are we going to see"

"you're not invited creep" Gojo mutters

No one listened.

"We can go see 'My stalker is now a ghost haunting my house'" Shoko suggested

"That sounds lame-" Mahito replied "-how about we see 'Everyone Dies at the End' I heard it has a great ending" 

Everyone deadpan looked at Mahito as we all silently agreed we wouldn't see that movie.

"We could watch 'My billionaire boss is also a werewolf who is my mate' I heard it's a great romance" Utahime suggested

"Nah I hate romance movies," I said as the thought of watching a romance with Gojo made me sick

"What about a superhero movie-" Nanami suggested "-there's a new Deadpound movie out" 

"Sounds good to me" I answered

After I agreed everyone else seemed to agree along with me. It's not the I like superhero movies I just wanted to get this over with. The quicker we decided on a movie the quicker this would be over. 

We looked strange as the group of thirteen of us walked the street in our school uniforms. A lot of us were dirty from hiding in the woods from Mr.Toji. It seemed like everyone was trying to get an opportunity to talk to me as we walked. They push each other out of the way to get beside me. After all these conversations I was thinking of faking sick tomorrow so I could be alone. It has been a while since I went a whole day without talking to someone. I used to go days without talking when I lived at my aunt's house.

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