Chapter Sixteen : Long Journey

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Yeonjun woke up around 10pm in the evening to his phone buzzing incessantly. He picked it up without turning on the lamp and looked at the screen: a text message notification from Dino, his secretary of sorts. “Lol,” he said when he unlocked his phone and opened the message to read: “When will you come back here???”
Yeonjun rolled his eyes; that was the third time this week that Dino had asked him that.

His secretary is probably lonely or something, he thought and typed out: “Not too soon, I’m on a vacation, remember? I’ll be there in the next two months.” The reply came quickly. “Don’t take too long, ok~ <3333333” Dino always sent Yeonjun these messages every night right before bed.

He’d been doing it ever since he left. It started the moment he returned here in Korea, a few days back. But it hasn't really bothered him, since he doesn’t exactly like being constantly pestered by people; he’s not some kind of needy guy. And besides, Dino can get his hands dirty if Yeonjun leaves his work alone for too much while he’s gone. ‘Pests are so annoying!’ Yup, he really feels that way about Dino.

Yeonjun got up from his bed with a sigh as soon as he finished replying to Dino. He then turned on the lights as he made his way over to the bathroom to wash up. He took a quick shower and got dressed into his pyjamas before stepping out and going downstairs. His parents were already in their bedroom sleeping. It wasn’t too late yet, though.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he walked over to the kitchen, made his way over to the fridge, opened it, grabbed a tupperware filled with food and reheat it in the microwave. As he was waiting for the food to heat up, he sat at the kitchen island and pulled out his phone to play a game, and a couple minutes later he heard the microwave ding signaling that his food is done. He then stood up and moved his food onto a plate and placed it in front of him on the counter. He then picked up a pitcher full of orange juice and poured himself some. He then went and set his plate down across from where he usually sat and began eating.

Once he was finished, he leaned backwards against one end of the island and let out a contented sigh. After finishing his meal and cleaning up, he decided he’d go upstairs again and sleep for another hour or two. Before he went up though, he grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and popped it in his mouth along with another drink from the fridge. Then he made his way towards the staircase leading up to his room and ascended the steps with an air of indifference.

He paused only briefly as he reached the top of the stairs to check whether or not anyone else is awake - all quiet, so he continued walking to his bedroom and shut the door behind him.

Beomgyu and Felix were playing board games in Beomgyu’s bedroom (as they do almost every night); they were sitting side by side on Beomgyu’s bed, facing each other. They were both silent at first until Felix spoke up: “Why can’t you just lose the game, Gyu? That’s so unfair!” He pouted, leaning forward and crossing his arms in a dramatic fashion.

“There’s no way I’d lose this game and you’re just bad at it.” Beomgyu replied as he pushed Felix’s shoulder gently.
Felix huffed loudly, but then smiled sheepishly and admitted defeat. They continued their game for a couple more minutes until Felix said that he should head back to his bedroom. He stood up and stretched, making his way to the door. Beomgyu noticed that Felix wasn’t looking at him. So he called out to him and said: “Hey, you okay? You seem a little out of it tonight. Did you have another argument with your girlfriend again?”

He watched as Felix froze, as if caught red handed, and he felt slightly satisfied when he realized that Felix was caught red handed. “Nah, I don’t have a girlfriend.” He answered nonchalantly.

“Just... tired…” He said with a small smile as he exited Beomgyu’s bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Beomgyu didn’t press any further, figuring that his question wouldn’t get an answer anyway.

Beomgyu was about to turn around and continue his game when his phone vibrated once more, startling him. He quickly checked the number displayed in his notification bar and sighed.
It was a text message from Soobin.
The text message says : Can you come pick me up at the airport tomorrow morning? I’m on my way there. Need to surprise Yeonjun.

Beomgyu’s eyes widened as the realization dawned on him. Soobin is coming home?!!
He immediately texted back : sure thing hyung! Where do you want me to meet you? Do you need a ride??

He waited impatiently. About three minutes passed, and he received a response after only thirty seconds.
: My plane will land in a few hours. I’ll be waiting for you at the terminal.

Beomgyu grinned. He’s so excited!
He quickly replied : okie dokie then!!!!
After sending off his text message, he then laid down, staring up at the ceiling and pondering what he should do next.

The plane will land in a few hours as the attendant had told them. Soobin closed his eyes in exhaustion, trying to fall asleep for a bit. He knew the trip would take a while, so he wanted to catch up on his rest. He was still a bit apprehensive about returning home, though.
He had been planning to stay in Korea for a few more weeks so he could spend time with Yeonjun, who he misses dearly.

And it’s also about time to propose to his boyfriend once and for all. He loves him so much, though. There’s no way Yeonjun wouldn’t say yes, but it makes him nervous knowing that there's such a huge difference between him and Yeonjun now; things may change drastically in the short amount of time he'll be spending in Korea.

Soobin was still thinking of ways to make sure everything will go well; there has to be someone around whom he knows who can help him convince Yeonjun to marry him. And that person could actually be Beomgyu since he’s the closest to his boyfriend ever since. He thinks that’s his best bet for convincing Yeonjun, and that’s why he’s been trying to reach out to Beomgyu today. Beomgyu’s a good friend, always willing to lend a helping hand, regardless of how ridiculous it sounds to those around them.

In fact, even if it were anyone else, Beomgyu would probably have helped out regardless, just because he cares. And even though he’s been busy lately with work, he’s always managed to make time for everyone else. Soobin hopes to god that the younger boy will be able to help him persuade his boyfriend once and for all so he can finally propose properly and get married to Yeonjun.

His train of thoughts suddenly stopped as he heard someone clearing their throat in front of him. There he saw his ordered food being brought to his table. Soobin thanked the attendant kindly before taking a seat and starting to eat the food; he was starving.

As he ate, he kept glancing at the flight attendants around him who were busy working and preparing the passengers’ meals to leave the plane; none of them seemed to be paying much attention to him. He’s used to that by now, so he simply continued eating his lunch. After finishing his meal and reorganized his belongings, he tried to sleep through the remainder of his journey; luckily he did manage to do that pretty easily.

That Type Of Love (Déja Vü)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora