Chapter Twenty-Two : At Peace

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The sun shines brightly against the curtains covering the tall windows of Soobin’s bedroom. His eyes are heavy with sleep when he notices a dark blob shifting next to him and his hand finds Yeonjun’s warm cheek, brushing his hair.

Yeonjun mumbles something and rolls over into Soobin’s chest, wrapping his arms around Soobin’s torso and burying himself deeper into the warmth of Soobin’s body.

He smells like Soobin’s cologne mixed with the scent from his shampoo – the scent that makes Yeonjun feel safe and protected and loved.
Soobin presses a kiss on top of Yeonjun’s head and sighs in contentment. Yeonjun is just an adorable, clingy baby sometimes…

It’s been three years since they were together. And those years were amazing, so wonderful, and everything Soobin could ever have hoped for -

They met at university and fell in love within seconds, not knowing they would end up together sooner rather than later. Yeonjun was a year older than Soobin, but had already started studying music. They started dating shortly after graduation, and even though there’s nothing wrong with their relationship – it’s perfect, Soobin’s glad that he found Yeonjun because he never felt like this before in his life and that was scary – Soobin still can’t help but be worried if one day he’d lose him in an instant if things didn’t work out.
And right now, things were going great. He hopes things will stay great for a long time. Even if he gets tired of his boyfriend’s clinginess sometimes.

But Soobin likes how his boyfriend looks when he is half asleep – messy hair, cute cheeks flushed, lips slightly open – Soobin smiles at the thought. Yeonjun snuffles and wraps his small hands around Soobin’s neck, squeezing his boyfriend tight. It’s really sweet, seeing his boyfriend being so vulnerable like this.

He can hear Yeonjun’s steady breathing slowly lulling him into slumber and Soobin closes his eyes, trying to calm down his own racing heart. It feels good having his boyfriend in his arms –
Then he suddenly heard a loud ring coming from Yeonjun’s phone on the nightstand and groans inwardly.

Yeonjun is fast asleep again and doesn’t react to the noise whatsoever. Soobin is relieved because the last thing he wants to do right now is letting Yeonjun have his sleep. He’s too damn cute.

Soobin grabs Yeonjun’s phone and checks the notifications as discreetly as possible. It was a text message from Mrs Choi; Yeonjun’s mom. She wants Yeonjun to come home earlier today, apparently. Because she’s worried sick.

Yeonjun probably forgot to tell his mom that he’s been with him since yesterday. That means he missed her call earlier this morning.
Soobin lets out a soft breath of air. And by then, Yeonjun stirred in his sleep and grumbled about being disturbed while rubbing his cheek across Soobin’s chest, making his heart thump erratically. It’s really cute, Yeonjun can be kind of cute.

With the tip of his finger, Soobin starts typing back a short reply to Mrs Choi saying that Yeonjun is finally awake and would be there soon. Then he places Yeonjun’s phone back in its place and leans back down onto the bed, wrapping his arms around Yeonjun and holding his boyfriend close.
“Baby, wake up..” Soobin whispers softly.

His boyfriend stirs in his arms, lifting his head up from Soobin’s chest. ‘Baby’ seems to become one of their pet names for each other when Yeonjun is sleepy or confused or when he’s feeling sad. Yeonjun frowns. “Huh? Why do I need to get up?”
“Your mom just texted you and she’s been worried sick. We have to get up, you said I’ll meet your parents today.”

Yeonjun’s frown turns into a pout. “Why can’t we take our sweet time laying here, Soobinnie?” He says, voice thick with sleep. The way Yeonjun licks his lips is unbearably erotic to Soobin.
“Because you need to go home, Yeonjunnie,” he murmurs, brushing his fingers against the older boy’s skin gently.
Yeonjun groans and buries his face once more into Soobin’s chest, sighing deeply as he hugs him tightly. It’s so cute how Yeonjun is always clingy when he wakes up.

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