Chapter Seventeen : Arrival

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It's a fine morning to wake up to, as Hyunjin would say. The sun shines down on him and warmly touches his skin as he lies in bed. He breathes in the air through his nose that smells of dew on grass. He can hear the birds chirping from the tree next to him, the breeze rustles by his ears and his head rests against a soft pillow that is more comfortable than his own mattress. It feels like heaven.

Hyunjin smiles into his pillow as he listens to the birds. He loves this time of year. Spring is here again. Everything smells fresh, new and alive. He closes his eyes, breathing deeply, savoring the warmth of the early morning sky before it’s tainted with the harshness of the world outside. Even though it’s a little chilly at times and he’s sure he should be out enjoying nature right now rather than being cooped up inside his tiny apartment with no one but himself only.

But even though the chill is there, the heat radiating off of his body feels so welcoming. His muscles ache as they slowly wake up, and he sighs when he stretches out. The blanket he slept under isn’t quite enough to cover him completely, leaving parts exposed. He doesn’t mind, though. As long as he’s warm and safe inside, everything else is irrelevant. He lets his arms hang loosely over his sides. His heart is thumping softly and his mind is blank and quiet, not even bothering to think about anything anymore.

"What a great morning to wake up to." Hyunjin grins as he opens his eyes. The sunlight streaming in makes him squint slightly, but otherwise, everything seems to work perfectly. He sits up with his back resting against the headboard behind him, taking a moment to admire his surroundings before getting out of bed.

He stretches for a bit, reveling in the fact that everything seems to move freely around him without him having to exert any effort. He yawns, stretching his arms above his head. When he finishes, he went straight ahead to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. A part of him is happy to have a peaceful day, but another part of him knows that there are going to be people who need help soon and he’s going to need his hands free to do that. He knows that, but he still feels so calm that he can’t stop smiling as he brushes his teeth, even if just for ten seconds.

Once Hyunjin is done cleaning up, he makes his way back to his bedroom. He grabs his phone from the nightstand and checks his notifications for any updates or emails. He’s pretty sure someone is going to try contacting him later, because he has a few contacts online, but right now he doesn’t feel like interacting with anyone, especially people who might come across as nosy and prying or something like that. He just wants to have a nice day this weekend all by himself.

"What if I go to the mall today and treat myself with good food and everything?" He says to himself aloud. He looks up from his phone, then back down at it, thinking hard. "Or, maybe… What if I visit a coffee shop instead? No, no, wait, no, maybe a bookshop? Hmm… Hm…" His mind goes back and forth, contemplating whether he could actually spend some quality time in somewhere. "How about the park? That sounds fun!"
Hyunjin decides that yes, he will indeed go to the park and enjoy nature and books alone for a change. He doesn't know exactly what sort of things he'll do, but he's willing to try anyway. It's not often that you get to relax and have yourself to yourself. Besides, the park itself is huge and he won't have much trouble finding something to do there.

He might find a bookstore or something that interests him after, or maybe go see a movie, depending on how many movies he chooses first and gets the chance to watch them all on his own. But he doesn't really care either way - he just wants to get away from his house for awhile.

"Maybe, I'll just go buy some accessories first." He hums thoughtfully, walking to his closet. He looks through his clothes carefully, trying to think of what kind of accessory he'd want to purchase. "Oh! Maybe I should buy a ring or something."

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