Chapter Twenty : I'm Interested In You

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It was a very fun day for both the two friends. Beomgyu and Taehyun were currently playing video games in Taehyun’s living room. They were both sitting on the floor playing together. The older one was trying to win against the younger one but every time he did something wrong his friend would laugh. It was nice to have company at times like this.

Taehyun looked up from the game screen and sighed. “There is no way you’re losing this game again, Gyu.” He stated calmly while placing the controller onto the coffee table. “You are just as bad at this game as I am. You know I always beat you.”

Beomgyu scoffed. “Oh come on, we haven’t even been playing 20 minutes. How can you possibly say I’m worse?” He said with disbelief clear on his face. His expression changed suddenly when he noticed that the younger one was looking at him. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I don’t understand it either, but… You seem so happy today. That’s weird.” Taehyun commented before turning away and focusing back on his gaming. “Didn’t you say you have no plans on hanging out today?”

“Well, I kind of changed my mind because my best friend’s boyfriend just came back from Europe and he had no place to stay so I’ve let him stay in my apartment. And then Yeonjun came...he stayed there with Soobin for awhile.”

Taehyun just nods as he listened to the other boy talk about his friend. “That’s why you ended up being here. I see, I’m glad you spent time with me today though.” He smiled and turned back to the game he was playing. After another minute or so passed, he started talking again. “Hey, Gyu? What else do you plan to do afte graduating in college?”

The other boy paused and thought for a while. “I guess I haven’t really given it much thought to be honest,” He admitted. “What do you think I should do?”

“Well, if I’m being honest, I think you should go into dancing. You’re a great dancer and very talented, you know?” Taehyun says, eyes still fixed on the screen of his phone and fingers quickly moving over the buttons.
Beomgyu chuckled. “Thanks, but dancing isn’t exactly what I wanna do.”

His friend stopped for a second and frowned. “But why not? You said you’re into dancing since you were a kid.”
“I’m already working as an accounting firm manager, you know? Plus it was nice and I loved my job there at the bank. It’s what makes me happy.” Beomgyu answered simply.

Taehyun didn’t say anything after that and continued his previous game. The other boy wasn’t sure why that reaction bothered him. Perhaps it was because it seemed almost as if Taehyun wanted him to get into dancing instead of being an accountant.

When they heard a knock from the door, Beomgyu got up to answer it. He opened it to reveal a delivery guy carrying a large boxes of pizza. He told them thanks, gave him his money, grabbed some boxes and headed inside. When he closed the door behind himself, he saw Taehyun’s face lighting up. “Oh my god that smells good! I love pizza!” He exclaimed. “Wait here, I gotta grab us some drinks.”
“Okay, no worries.” Beomgyu responded absentmindedly.

Taehyun went inside their kitchen where he kept most of his sodas inside the fridge. In a short while, he returned with two bottles of Pepsi and handed one to Beomgyu. Then proceeded to put the other one under his pillow and took a seat beside his friend on the floor. “Let’s dig in!”

Beomgyu laughed softly at his friend’s excitement. He grabbed a slice of pizza, and then grabbed his soda from the side. They began eating their food, occasionally stopping to compliment how delicious the pizza was. It was a perfect moment. Beomgyu never wanted to forget it.
It was after eating their pizza and finishing off their soda when Taehyun’s phone rang.

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