Chapter Twenty-Five : Be My Partner

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It was a fun day to hang out. All the people in the park were having the time of their lives. People were enjoying themselves and each other as well. It wasn't too hot yet nor was it cold enough to snow.

There were children playing with their toys, dogs playing on the grass by the pond, couples cuddling beneath a tree and parents watching them from afar. The birds sang loudly throughout the day as the trio (Hyunjin, Beomgyu & Taehyun) were seated under the shade of a large oak tree.

They had been there for quite some time already, having decided not to go back home just yet due to how much they enjoyed spending time together. Hyunjin couldn't take of the smile off his face as well, seeing all the happy faces around him. He was really happy today.

Beomgyu, who was currently sitting down beside Taehyun, leaned over to whisper into his ear as he giggled quietly "Did you hear what that kid say?"

Taehyun glanced over at him before looking towards where Beomgyu was staring at, trying to see what made him giggle so hard. "What are you talking about?" he asked curiously, turning to look in Beomgyu's direction when he saw a bunch of children gathered around one of the benches nearby, whispering excitedly amongst themselves "Is something funny? Why do you seem so happy?"

"Nah, that little girl said you look like an egg with that outfit you're wearing," he laughed before continuing to giggle into his hand when Taehyun punched him lightly in the shoulder "Oh come on! That didn't hurt that much~"

Taehyun shook his head fondly as he chuckled along with him, returning to focusing on what they had been doing earlier.

Meanwhile Hyunjin is gazing out in the sky, his sweat drenching the back of his neck, making it sticky against his skin. 'The heat', he thought to himself as he took a long, cool sip of his iced lemonade. His cheeks were still rosy pink from the intense sun and the cold drink was helping keep them even warmer. Beomgyu on his other side, had taken off his sunglasses and fanning himself with them after finishing his own lemonade. He then proceeded to pull out his phone from his pocket, scrolling through Instagram feed, humming some song Hyunjin had never heard before.

"What's that song you're humming about?" Hyunjin asks. The others haven't told him much about themselves but he knows Beomgyu likes music. Maybe that's why.

"Oh, it's just something I wrote a while back" Beomgyu replied, his attention switching away from whatever app he was playing. "It titled 'You' by Lany." He looks up briefly to look at the older and smiles slightly "Why did you ask?"

"Well, it's been a long time since I last heard you hum a song." he explains "And you seemed to be in a good mood, so..." he trailed off.

Beomgyu hummed in response, taking another sip of his drink before saying "I am in a good mood!" He grinned as if he were sharing a secret with the elder "I like someone."

Hyunjin raised a brow as he asked "Really? Who is it?"
The younger giggled and pointed next to him. Hyunjin turned his gaze towards where Beomgyu was pointing "Ah," he smiled. Taehyun look at them confusedly while Hyunjin continued "So, it means you guys are on a date today. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't know it was a date." Beomgyu answered nonchalantly "We just went here to spend the day together"

The older male nodded, taking another drink from his lemonade. "Okay...makes sense."
Suddenly a phone ringed from his pockets, causing both men to jump slightly. Both looked over at each other, eyes wide with surprise before looking over towards Taehyun, whose fingers were hovering above the answer key. He slowly pressed his thumb onto the screen and lowered the phone.

His lips were pursed shut as he stared up at his friend.
"Who's calling, Tae?" Hyunjin asked softly once he noticed the younger's strange behavior. Beomgyu also gave him a questioning look.

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