Smoke and mirrors - Part 8 - Alfie x Tommy x Reader

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(Y/n) couldn't help but chuckle, as Alfie finally let her go, before grabbing his glass and swallowing down the champagne and refilling it. It obvious from his grumbling and the not so pleasant descriptions of Thomas Shelby under his breath, that any rivalry between them, was not restricted to business.

The war record of the second Shelby son had not been the only thing that she had found in his file; the personal life of Thomas proving to be as equally as interesting, as his time in the army. The head of the family firm appearing to never be lacking in attention from the fairer sex. And now having seen him in person; having looked into those eyes, (Y/n) could quite understand why. Though she had to admit that even though he was undoubtedly handsome, even though he could undoubtedly turn a woman's mind to being naked in a bed with him; the man that she had caught a glimpse of during the war, the man whose eyes had sparkled with mischief when she had caught him staring. The man that was now stood by her side, held her thoughts, her desires, whether he knew it or not.

"You know, you are even more handsome when you're jealous." (Y/n) said, before bringing her glass up to her lips. Her eyes looking out over the people talking at the tables. Doing her best not to smile, as Alfie turned to look at her.

"So.........." Alfie began, as he moved a little closer. A shiver going down her spine as she heard him growl slightly.

"Ya think I'm handsome.............?"

"In a certain light.......yes........." The agent retorted, as she turned her head to get a look at him. That same mischievous glint in his orbs, as they caught one another's eyes. Alfie reaching up and placing his hand on her cheek.

"Ya fuckin beautiful, ya know that don't ya? When I saw ya that first time in Paris, I thought ya were a goddess. Like one of them statues they have in museums. Ya were too perfect ta be real........too fuckin perfect fa me. But that don't mean I am lettin Tommy Shelby have ya........." Alfie continued. (Y/n) closing her eyes, as she felt his warm breath on her neck and his even deeper than normal voice, making the butterflies in her stomach, spring to life and flutter uncontrollably.

She knew that it was silly; it was not as if she were some young girl that was caught up in all the passion and newness of a first affair with a man; but Alfie Solomons just seemed to have that affect on her. And it was an affect that she did not want to lose; the thought of her bosses finding out that she had begun to have feelings for the former captain. That she had begun to have desires for the big Londoner, and would remove her from the job because of it, was something that she just didn't want to contemplate.

"Oh, believe me, Mister Solomons; I only have eyes for one gangster here, and it isn't Thomas Shelby............." The agent replied, before leaning in and placing a soft kiss to his lips. Alfie reacting in the only way that he wanted to, since she had been in his office that first day. His arms wrapping themselves around her, before deepening the kiss.


"Well........?" Arthur asked, as Tommy came back to join him and John at the table. The older Shelby boy winking at a young woman, that had just brought another round of drinks to where they sat.

Arthur and John, along with Tommy, had watched as Alfie had made his way into the club; though not one of them had expected that the Jewish gangster would arrive with a guest in tow, let alone one so beautiful. All of the Shelby boys wondering where Alfie had been, or what he had been up to, to snag himself something that looked like that.

"Her name is (Y/n) and she is his new assistant.........."

"Assistant? Fuck off. I can imagine what she's assistin him with........." Arthur interrupted, as he finished his old drink. Tommy pulling a silver case from his inside jacket pocket and opening it. A cigarette being tapped on the tabletop, before he brought it to his lips. His eyes never leaving Alfie and his assistant, as the woman said something to the Londoner, and he leant in closer to her.

It was obvious to anyone with eyes that whatever was between Alfie Solomons and this (Y/n), was either already more personal than just boss and assistant, or was about to become so. The way that he had pulled her to him, as Tommy had approached; how he had looked at him, as he had brought her hand up to his lips, led the head of the Shelby firm to believe that if looks could kill, then he would have been died there and then. And now as Alfie placed his hand on her cheek, and she closed her eyes, Tommy would guarantee that this woman was something much more than any other woman had ever been in his friend's life. And as he had insisted, she was so much more than some whore that Alfie had paid to be with him for the evening. And all that intrigued Tommy more than he already was; sure, that he really was going to have to learn more about this (Y/n).

"I've got something that she can assist with. I think I might go and ask her ta dance." John chuckled, as he pulled the toothpick from between his teeth and combed his fingers through his hair. Tommy grabbing hold of his younger brother's arm and pulling him back into his chair, as he saw Alfie pull the beautiful woman into his arms as they kissed. Tommy not wanting any trouble now that the club was under their control. And if there was going to be any trouble, a woman that looked like (Y/n), could certainly cause it. The older Shelby hating to think what the Londoner might just do, if any man, never mind John, was to go and interrupt at that moment. Though that didn't mean that when the chance presented itself, Tommy wasn't going to try and talk to her, alone.      

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