You're alive - Part 2 - Alfie x Reader

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"What tha fuck is she doin here, Tommy? Why did ya tell her I was here...........?" Alfie growled, as he loosened the shirt at her neck. Cyril jumping up onto the bed and lying next to her, letting out a small whine.

"I didn't tell her anything. You told me in the letter, not to tell her..........(Y/n) hasn't spoken to me since that day on the beach. This is the first time I've seen her in months, and even then, she just ignored me. She must have heard I was coming up here, and got suspicious. You should know as well as I do, that (Y/n) isn't an idiot.........." Tommy quickly retorted, as she took his twin's hand.

Tommy had missed her. He cared about all his siblings, but of course his twin was special to him. They had always been there for one another; she the only one that he had ever been able to truly open up to, when it came to what was going on in his head. The only one that he felt he could be truly vulnerable with, especially after the death of Grace. Yet since his trip up to the beach at Margate, he had lost all that. He had lost her. It feeling that, even though Alfie had been able to force him to shoot him, it hadn't just been Alfie that he had killed; that in a way, he had taken (Y/n)'s life too. Tommy having no idea how much the Londoner had really meant to his twin, until he had got home and given her the news.

"Ya got a point..........." Alfie replied, as he pushed some hair away from the beautiful Shelby's face. His one good eye taking in the features of the woman that he had come to love.

He hadn't meant to fall in love with her; but he hadn't been able to stop himself. From the moment that she had entered the office with her brother, he had been fascinated. The Londoner finding it quite amusing when Tommy had told his sister to leave; it obvious that he wasn't liking the way that Alfie was looking at her. And with the more and more time that they had spent together, when he had learnt about her service as a nurse and how she had managed to survive when the aid station that she had been working at, had been destroyed; he had come to feel a deep connection to her. Two broken and lost souls, finding one another amongst the rubble of that had been created by the war. (Y/n) Shelby the one thing that seemed to make sense. The one person that he could really trust. The one woman that he could truly love. And for some time, they had been happy; he had even proposed. Yet then he had found out about the cancer, cancer that he believed was a result of the poisonous gas used during the war; the thought of burdening (Y/n) with that, of having her watch him, care for him as he grew weaker and weaker, until he was little more than a shadow of what he had been, was something that he couldn't bear. She deserved more than that, so much more; she deserved to be happy, and even though the thought of her being with another man made him feel sick to the stomach, it was only right that she forgot about him, moved on and got herself a man that would look after her. That wasn't gonna fuckin die. So, he had come up with his plan, to die on his own terms. He would give Tommy a reason to kill him. Changretta, and his thirst for revenge against the Shelby family, just what he had needed. Alfie preferring the idea of dying at the hand of Tommy, than the Mafia or the cancer. His shot at the boss of the Shelby firm, the provocation that Tommy had needed to stop fuckin hesitating and pull the trigger.

He had of course not expected to live, yet here he was; the bullet having passed through his cheek, before miraculously managing to miss his skull, his spine and all major blood vessel. It had of course left him scared and blind in the left eye; but he was still in the world. The copious amounts of drugs that he had been given for the pain, making it hard to remember a lot of things clearly. But not once had he forgotten about her.

He knew what would happen when she woke up; she would be angry at him, probably even slap him. She would demand to know why he had done what he had done. She would get angry at him again when he tried to tell her; when he attempted to say that he had done it because he loved her too much to burden her with his illness. And then, eventually, when that Shelby anger had died down, she would pull him into her arms, and tell him that she loved him. Alfie hoping that that part would come a little quicker than he feared. The Londoner though, well aware that (Y/n)'s anger was more like Arthur's than Tommy's in nature.

He of course still didn't want to burden her; he didn't want to be pitied, didn't want to be treated like an invalid. Yet he knew that now she had found him; she would refuse to leave his side ever again. That there would be someone else calling the apartment in Margate, home, and perhaps shooting at the seagulls for fun, with him.

Slowly, (Y/n)'s eyelids began to flutter. Both men moving a little closer, as they opened to reveal her beautiful eyes.



"Leave us alone, will ya..........."


"Go, now..............." (Y/n) almost ordered, as she sat up on the bed. Alfie just shrugging as Tommy looked at him. The Londoner just glad that he wasn't the only one that was going to be in trouble. The pair watching, as Tommy reluctantly left the room, closing the door behind him. Alfie regretting turning back to look at (Y/n), as he felt her hand connect with the right side of his face.

"Right, Alfred Solomons. You better have a damn good excuse for all this; or I might just have to kill you myself.........." The female Shelby growled. Her hands folding over her chest, as she waited for the explanation. Alfie unable to stop himself from smiling. God, he had missed his woman. 

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