Smoke and mirrors - Part 1 - Alfie x Reader

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"Alfie............." Ollie said nervously, as he followed the baker to his office.


"What.........?" Alfie growled, as he turned to look at the younger man.


"Fuckin spit it out, yeah......................"

"There..........there's someone in your office. I tried to stop................." Ollie began, shutting his mouth as Alfie grabbed him by the collar, giving him a terrifying look and then throwing him to the floor, before turning and quickly making his way through the bakery. The big man throwing open the door, ready to show whoever it was, that you don't fuck with Alfie Solomons.

"Ah. Captain Solomons. So glad that you could join me." A woman said from his usual seat behind the desk. Her eyes looking up from his paperwork.

"I hope you don't mind, but I helped myself to some of your better liquor. I know that it is a little early, but I had heard some favourable rumours about your.........bread." The woman continued, as she picked up her glass and sat back in his chair.

"Yes I do fuckin mind! Who tha fuck d'ya think ya are. I'll fuckin kill ya................"

"Please Captain Solomons, your threats and attempts at intimidation don't scare me. I'm very well protected. You see, there are men, all around your building, whom, if I don't appear after a certain amount of time, will come into this building, kill anyone that gets in their way, and then burn this shit hole to the ground. So, if you have finished with the 'fuckin this' and the 'fuckin that'. I believe that it would pay you to take a seat and listen to me.

"And why the fuck should I do that...........?" Alfie growled, not able to believe the balls on this woman.

"Because..........I said so..................." The woman replied in an extremely calm manner, as she produced a gun from under the desk and pointed it at him.

"Oh, I won't use this unless I have to. But believe me, if I have to, I will. And I assure you that I am an excellent markswoman. Now, please............." She added, as she gestured towards the chair that Alfie would normally make others sit in when he held court in his office.

Slowly Alfie closed the door behind him, before making his way to the chair, and took a seat. Internally, he was seething. This woman was not only taking the piss by just walking into his fuckin office without a by your leave, helping herself to his best stuff, before looking through his paperwork. But then........then just to put the tin hat on it, she was now threatening him. Alfie not really used to that. Not sure whether he liked it or not. Though he had to admit, having an attractive woman making him do things, was oddly arousing.

"Isn't that better? We can have a nice little conversation now Captain............"

"I ain't a captain.................."

"Yes, but you were...............Actually, according to your file, you were a very good officer, despite yourself. A good leader, and by all accounts, you were popular with your men. Though you did get into a number of fights with soldiers from other regiments, usual over anything that you considered a slur. But thankfully your superiors though better than to take away your commission................ despite protests from others............"

"How tha fuck d'ya know that................?"

"I know lots of things about you, Captain Solomons. I know that you went from being a brave and decorated officer, to being little more than a petty thug, who makes the majority of his money through the racetrack, this rum distillery, a jewellery business and protection rackets in Camden Town. I know that you stay in the position that you are, through threats, intimidation and murder. But I also know that someone wishes to usurp the king..............though I think that that is something that I might be able to help with..........."

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