In the Bleak Midwinter - Part 6 - Tommy x Reader

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Slowly, she moved. Things becoming a little clearer, as her mind freed itself from the fog of the strange dreams that seemed to have been going around and around in her head; that she was in a warm bed, yet she was not sure how she had got there.

She could remember foolishly going out to find Jack, in only her nightgown and slippers. Calling out the old hound's name, as she cautiously made her way through the seemingly quiet streets. Yet when she was about to give up and leave the Jack Russell to play with the rats, she had heard someone else call out. Not that she had really taken too much notice, sure that it was just men arguing somewhere, that she would definitely be avoiding; her mind more focused on the new job that she would start tomorrow at a pub called the Garrison. But then something had changed, the simple shouts now accompanied by loud bangs. (Y/n) feeling her heart begin to beat a little quicker, as the cloudiness in her mind continued to disperse, and she could recall herself being knocked to the floor by something, that had forced the breath from her lungs. Yet she still could not recall what had hit her, or how she had got home. A groan leaving her lips, as she suddenly felt this awful pain in her side.

"Doctor.........." A male voice called out from somewhere, as she tried to move. (Y/n) feeing a weight holding her down; her eyes refusing to open, despite how much she wanted them to.

"Doctor...........Hey, don't move. You'll hurt yourself........." The voice continued. The concern that she could hear in the soft, warm tone, strangely making her relax. (Y/n) just trying to breath though the pain, as she did as the voice asked and stopped moving. Another loud groan forcing its way passed her lips, as she felt hands touch her side. Her mind feeling as though it was clouding over again, as she thought she heard a conversation; yet the more that she tried to listen, the more distant it became, until finally, once again, there was nothing.


Tommy sat in the chair that he had occupied more or less since he had brought the woman back to the house; his eyes focused on the silent form, as his blood made its way through the tube, and into her arm.

Arthur had managed to find the doctor, almost dragging him back to the house. The stitches being replaced, before Tommy had rolled up his sleeve, and watched as the needle was pushed back into his flesh. The head of the family firm still feeling a slight sense of trepidation, despite the doctor assuring him that the beautiful woman, would be fine.

When Arthur had brought him a tray of food, Tommy had asked his older brother about what he said; that she was going to be the new barmaid at the Garrison. Arthur only able to tell him her full name, and that from what she had said, she had worked in pubs and clubs in London. That, and she had been born and lived not too far from the pub, when she was little. Returning to Small Heath after years in the big smoke, at the beginning of the year. Tommy wondering why he didn't recognise her; sure, that she must be around about his age. That they must have come across one another at some point. Yet still he couldn't think of anything. Tommy sure that even if he had seen when they were both children, he would not forget something that beautiful.

Suddenly he heard a groan. Tommy sitting bolt upright in the chair, as he wondered for a moment whether he had been hearing things.

"Doctor..........." He called out, as his eyes detected a movement. Tommy moving from the chair to the bed; taking a seat by her side and carefully holding her down, as she began to move.

"Doctor...........Hey, don't move. You'll hurt yourself........." Tommy called out again. The doctor coming back into the room, before they both turned their attention to the patient. The doctor placing his hands on her side and pressing slightly. Tommy feeling his jaw tighten, as another loud, pained groan left her lips.


"Well, it's a good sign. She regained consciousness. Just keep her still when she wakes again. Those stitches have to stay in place; but I would say that she is over the worst part." The doctor explained, as he made his way around the bed and went about pulling the needle from Tommy's arm.

"She's stronger than she looks. You have quite a fighter there, Mister Shelby......" The doctor added. Tommy just nodding, as the doctor pushed a small ball of cotton wool, on the bloody spot on the inside of his arm; not hearing anything else that the other man said, before he left the room. Tommy just keeping his attention on her. His hand carefully taking hers, and holding it tight.  

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