Never the twain - Part 5 - Tommy x Reader

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Apologies for my lack of updates, I have been having surgery and was only allowed home the others day. But now I should be able to get back to my usual routine.

"Arthur......." A voice suddenly came. The oldest of the Shelby boys turning around to see Tommy make his way over to him.

"You alright..........." Arthur enquired, as he saw the unusual look on his sibling's face.

"Aye, I'm fine. I just need the keys to one of the cars. I need to go somewhere." Tommy replied. His head inadvertently moving to look back at the lady that stood some way behind him.

"Fuckin hell, Tommy. What ya got yourself into? You mess with something like that..............."

"I'm not after a lecture, Arthur. Just give me the keys. You and the others stay here. I'll see you at home later." Tommy interjected, holding out his hand as his brother fished around in his pockets for the keys. Arthur not sure what to think, as he finally handed them over, and Tommy held out his arm for the elegant woman to take. The lady giving Arthur a small smile, as Tommy walked her past him, and towards the exit of the racecourse.

"What the fuck...........? How the hell did he.............?" Another voice came from behind Arthur. The oldest boy not needing to turn to know that it was John.

"I don't know. But it is Tommy we're talkin about..............."

"Lucky bastard..............."

"Aye..........maybe.........." Arthur replied. Not sure how Tommy had come into contact with the woman, or why he was taking her away with him; but he knew better than to ask questions. Arthur just shaking his head, before turning to look at John.

"Anyway, what's wrong with you? You finished with that lass already........?"

"Aye, her fuckin father is here.............." John replied. His tongue whirling around the toothpick that was gripped between his teeth as Arthur let out an amused snort.

"Yep, that'll put a dampener on ya plans. Anyway, we came here for the racing, not so that you could chase around after some girl. So, come on, let's go and get the others and see what nag we can lose money on before this race starts." Arthur told his younger brother, as he placed his arm around John's shoulder. John nodding in agreement. The pair making their way through the crowd to find Finn, Michael and Isaiah.


Tommy escorted the lady to where the cars had been left; opening the door so that she could climb in, before he made his way back around to the driver's seat.

The two had not said a word as they had left the racecourse. It wasn't that he didn't want to say anything. It wasn't that he didn't want to ask her why she was so desperate to get away from her escort that she would ask a total stranger to take her away from him. It was more that he had a feeling that those questions could wait until there was enough distance between her and the man, so that she would feel comfortable. The look on her face when she had seen him coming, telling Tommy that she had most certainly didn't want to be found by him.

"Thank you..............." (Y/n) suddenly said, as the clean air of the countryside made way for the grime and heavy ether of the town. Tommy looking at her for a moment, before turning his eyes back to the road.

"I don't want you to think that I ask every man that I meet to take me away with him. But............but I just couldn't stand the idea of having to spend the rest of the day with Charles............."

"Charles..........that was the man that helped you out of the car..........Is he your fiancé...............?"

"Dear god no! No, I have so far managed to avoid that indignity; though I know my parents would very much like it if he were.............."

"Then why were you with him..................." Tommy interrupted. His brows furrowing, as the lady next to him let out a chuckle.

"I really like the fact that you are pretending that you don't know how families like mine, work. How they sell their daughters to men that they judge to have the right blood. My mother and father want me to be with him, and they took today as their opportunity to force me to spend time with him. They have been doing the same thing for the last couple of years. Charles is the son of a Viscount, I the daughter, and only child of an Earl. My parents wish me to marry him so that when my father dies, his titles will pass to Charles. They do not seem to care about the fact that he is a vile bully that takes great delight in beating stable hands and forcing his attentions on poor chambermaids. They don't seem to give a damn about me, or the rumours that he spends most of his times with whores when he is in London." (Y/n) explained, as the car continued to make its way back to Small Heath. Tommy finding his grip tighten on the steering wheel.

He had met men like that before. Men with privilege and titles that thought they gave them the right to treat others like shit. That it meant that they could use and abuse others in any way they wished and would not face any retribution for their actions. And the thought that the beautiful woman that was sat by his side could be forced by her own parents to be with a man like that, was infuriating. Was making him more determined to help her in any way that he could. Despite the fact that he couldn't explain why he wanted to do that, even to himself. That he had no idea why he was so draw to a woman that he was sure would bring him nothing but trouble.

"I am sorry, Mister Shelby, for dragging you into this. It certainly wasn't my intention. All I wanted to do, was talk to a very handsome man that I had been informed was not only bad and dangerous to know, but also had ideas above his station. You see, men like that, men like you, are just the kind I like............" (Y/n) added, as the Tommy finally pulled up the car outside his home. His body turning and leaning into hers, as the two sat there for a moment.

"Is that right. Well then, why don't I show you just how bad and dangerous I really am................" Tommy said, (Y/n) sure that her heart was about to beat out of her chest, as his breath fanned over her face.

"I would like that very much......................." 

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