Smoke and mirrors - Part 9 - Alfie x Tommy x Reader

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"Stay there and don't move." Alfie told her. A broad smile pulling at his lips, as he pointed his finger at her.

"Yes, Sir." (Y/n) replied, as she gave him a small salute. The Londoner shaking his head and kissing her on the forehead, before making his way through the crowd; his trip to the little boy's room, the first time that he had left her side all evening. Not that she minded, in fact, the opposite was true. She had been very tempted to just forget about the whole evening at the Shelby's new club, when she had laid her eyes on Alfie in her flat. He looked so handsome in his tuxedo, and as her fingers had touched his, when she reached for the glass in his hand, there had been more than a spark that she had felt; in truth, it had been a full on thunder storm, with lightning flashing around her, and all she could think of was pulling him to her bedroom, his suit quickly joining her dress on the floor. But no matter her desire for the Londoner, she still had a job to do; and even though she had spent the last couple of hours wrapped up in Alfie's arms, being danced around, she had still been able to pick up a thing or two. (Y/n) often finding that free flowing alcohol and pleasant surroundings, were two of the best things to loosen people's tongues.

"So............" A voice came. (Y/n) turning to see Tommy stood behind her. The agent shaking her head as he offered her a cigarette from his silver case, taking one himself, before putting it back in his inside jacket pocket.

Despite her enjoying Alfie's attentions during the evening, that hadn't mean that she had not noticed that the three Shelby boys that were at the club, had been watching her, particularly Thomas. There was no way that she couldn't detect those eyes; and even when she couldn't see him, she could feel those intense orbs burn into her skin. (Y/n) able to feel them wander her flesh; feel them make their way down her naked back. She had to say that she had found it quite a thrill; that between Alfie's touch and Tommy's eyes, her mind had gone to places, places where she found herself being shared by the pair. Her naked body sandwiched between the two men; sure, that the pair would both be the most interesting of lovers, that it would be quite the most pleasurable of experiences. Though she doubted that Alfie would be willing to share.

"How did ya come ta be working fa Alfie.........?" He continued, putting his cigarette in his mouth, before grabbing the bottle of champagne on the bar, filling two glasses and handing one to (Y/n).

"How does any assistant come to work for someone?" (Y/n) countered, as she leaned back on the bar.

"I happen to know one or two people that had some........dealings with Alfie. He mentioned that he needed some help, and they offered up my name. Because, and with the best of intentions, Ollie is only capable of doing so much. Alfie obviously liked what he saw and hired me." The agent continued, before bringing her glass up to her lips.

"Oh, I'm sure he did. And if ya don't mind me sayin, ya seem ta be a little more than just an assistant........"

"What can I say. Alfie has a way about him. A certain charm that I find quite irresistible. That, and I have always had a liking for, what might be called, bad men.........."

"You like to live dangerously, (Y/n)?" Tommy interrupted, as he moved a little closer. The man from Birmingham letting his fingers brush against hers. His eyes focusing intently on her.

"Oh, you have no idea, Mister Shelby. There is nothing quite living on the edge. Walking that fine line, knowing that at any moment you might just trip and fall head long into the abyss. It is quite a thrill, and I find men like Alfie..........and you, if I may say, are experts at it. How any woman could refuse, I don't know..........."

"And do you......ever refuse, I mean." Tommy quickly enquired. The man from Birmingham now so close that she could smell the alcohol and cigarettes on his breath. The intensity of his gaze making it almost impossible for her to breathe.

"Well, when I finally get Alfie back to my flat, he is going to find out that, no, I never refuse." (Y/n) replied, as she reached up and straightened Tommy's bow tie.

"You know, you are a very handsome man, Mister Shelby, and I have been having the most.........scandalous thoughts about you all evening. About what it would be like to have both you and Alfie. To have the pair of you watch me, as I stripped naked, and then lay on a bed. To pleasure the two of you, in the most intimate of ways. Now that........that would be walking the most wonderful of knife's edges, don't you think. But............" She continued, as she backed away.

"Alfie is the type of man that doesn't like to share, and as I saw him first......." A smile coming to her lips, as she heard the Londoner call out her name.

"Well, I was very nice to meet you, Mister Shelby. And, thank you for a lovely evening. Good night, Mister Shelby." (Y/n) added, as she felt Alfie come up behind her; his arm moving around her waist. The big man giving Tommy a curt nod, before pulling (Y/n) away, and out into the cold night air. 

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