Never the Twain - Part 4 - Tommy x Reader

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"I................I beg your pardon............?" Tommy asked, finding it not only hard to believe that the woman that he had been unable to stop thinking about was now in front of him, but also his eyes. Positive that she was even more beautiful up close, than he had already thought. Watching as she moved to the fence that surrounded the parade ring and mounting yard.

"Beautiful..........aren't they.............?" She said again. That same broad smile that he had seen earlier, once again gracing her lips.

"I have always admired these animals. Once, I seem to remember I wished I could be one. They do have such grace. Such style. But they aren't all that you think. It is true that well bred horses do have their qualities; but they can be a little too highly strung for my liking. Diva-ish, some might say. Personally, I prefer an animal that has a little less breeding. Something strong and a little wild, with just the right amount of exotic flowing through its veins. An animal that is not afraid of anything. That is willing to go anywhere and do whatever it has to. That knows what it is to work for its oats at the end of the day. Yes, if I had to have some great beast between my thighs, that would be the kind I'd want. What would you say, Mister.................?" The woman said. Her smile turning slightly mischievous as she waited for him name. Tommy stepping on his extinguished cigarette, before coming to stand next to her.

"Shelby..........Tommy Shelby. Part of me has ta agree with ya. There is nothing like a good work horse. They're strong, reliable, do what ya need them ta do, without much complaining and are pretty low maintenance. But for me, there is nothing like a thoroughbred filly. Those long limbs, firm chests and good muscles. They are like a work of art, and feel like nothing else when they are between your legs. Riding something with a good bloodline is like nothing else. And if that blood is just right, ya might just find that there is a little something wild in them too. Miss..............?" Tommy replied. A small smile pulling at the very corner of his lips, as he leaned up against the fence.

"(Y/n)..........just (Y/n). And I can see what you mean; but it wouldn't do for us all to have the same taste, now would it? You seem to know a lot about well-bred horses, Mister Shelby. Don't you have an issue with their cost.........?"

"Aye, I know a little bit about them. Worked with them before. And no, for the right animal, I don't mind paying the price." Tommy continued, as he pulled his cigarette case from his pocket before opening it. Taking one out and tapping it on the case, then placing it between his lips.

"You seem to know something about horses yourself Miss (Y/n)............"

"I should. Growing up, I was on one of the things every chance I could get. That, and one of my father's horses is in the next race............."

"Really, which one................?"

"That beautiful grey gelding over there. His name is Winter Zephyrs. The trainer is quite confident that he will win. But my real money is on my personal favourite in the last race. A gorgeous stallion called Dark as the Night. Now, that is a real animal." (Y/n) explained. The lady finding her heart beating at a pace, as this dangerous Tommy Shelby moved a little closer.

There was no denying that he was handsome. In the right light, some might even say that he was ridiculously so. And everything, from the cap down to the well-polished shoes, was perfect. His suit fit him like a glove, and looked perfectly tailored. His woollen overcoat hugging his shoulders, and thankfully not hiding the subtle strength of his form. (Y/n) having to say that if he really was a gypsy, then those gypsies certainly knew how to make a man. Her kind of man.

"Your father owns horses? Who is he........? Perhaps I'll know him........."

"Oh, he's no one really.................."

"I doubt that. Not if you're his daughter. You ooze more breeding than these horses." Tommy said. His comment causing (Y/n) to laugh. The leader of the Peaky Blinders sure that it sounded trite for him to say that he had never heard anything so sweet, but it was true.

"You are very observant, Mister Shelby. And you are quite right. I..........I am the daughter of the current Earl of Pembroke. So, now you know. Does that scare you off...........?" (Y/n) explained. Her heart beginning to thump, as he moved to stand in front of her. His eyes seeming to be looking directly into her soul.

"Quite the opposite. I told ya; I have a thing for a well-bred filly............." Tommy replied, as he finally let a full smile spread across his face.

Suddenly there was a commotion. (Y/n) feeling her heart beat now for a very different reason, as she looked over and saw Charles pushing his way through the crowd. Calling the other racegoers all manner of names, as he made his way to where she had told him that she would be.

"Mister Shelby.........would you like to take me away from here............?" (Y/n) asked, as she turned to look at him. Tommy's eyes turning cold, as he saw her escort.

"Aye, where da ya want to go.................?"

"Anywhere. Anywhere away from here and away from him..............." (Y/n) told him. Tommy nodding his head and pulling her close to him. Almost shielding her with his large coat, as they walked off in the other direction. 

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