Singing and Smashing

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  • Dedicated to my wonderful dinosaur of an MP3 player! Couldn't do it without u :P LOL

Heyo lovelies!! So sorry it's taken so long to get this out. Never fear, tho! Even tho i haven't had much time to post, i have had A LOT of time to write. I'm already on like Chapter 14 (this one's Chapter 10) so progress is being made! Dedication goes out to music...(u might say lame, but i can barely write without it!) I literally live off of it 24/7! This chapter sounded way cooler in my head than when i actually wrote it out, bbbbuuuuuut whatevz-ers. i didn't feel like completely writing out a new chapter. just a heads up, this will NOT turn into some cheesy high school musical. This is really the only chapter where this will happen. Let me know if you think it's any good! So for the moment you've all been waiting for! Drum roll please *awesome sauce with friend chicken tenders drumroll* THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!  

Chapter 10


     Jack’s POV:

            One minute I’m struggling to breathe, and the next I’m in danger of dying again; this time by almost drowning. My laughter abruptly stops as I choke and cough up water. To my left, I can hear Kim going through the same process. Now it’s Eddie, Milton, and Jerry’s turns to cackle at our current state. Not only did water fill my mouth, but it’s covering my entire body; soaking my already damp clothes. Well today just seems like a day for water. As I sit up, I see Kim has managed to get to her feet as well. As I stand, everyone seems to be arguing. Milton’s yelling at Eddie for pushing a button and Kim at Jerry for scaring us. I grab Kim by the waist (she’s got a nasty hold on Jerry’s ear) and Milton’s arm (he has Eddie in a pretty impressive head-lock. I’m not sure how that one worked out). I wasn’t quite paying attention to the song that started after Mike Posner’s but it’s coming to a finish anyway.

            I lead my gang along the course, still being pelted with water, shielding my eyes. Madhouse by Little Mix soon starts over the stereo system. An unlikely thing happens to Kim. She lets go of Jerry. She now seems extremely happy judging by the size of her smile. I swear she is bi-polar.

            “Really, Jerry? Little Mix?” I say through the water filling my mouth and running down my face.

            “Ah, yeah! I love this song!” Kim screams, wiggling from my grasp. The song changes the mood of everyone. Even Milton and Eddie enjoy it. I stand, watching my friends jump around, run, and scream the lyrics at the top of their lungs while the water falls down on their bodies. My hair sticks to my face as I run over to join them. I laugh as my scrawny friend sings out while attempting the sexy-leg-stroke on his pale legs. Eddie falls to his knees then pops his head up and creepily starts singing to Milton. Kim conquers the vocals while jumping around as if pumping up a crowd.

            None of us are actually serious, judging by how some of us drop to the ground in laughter every two seconds. Well…not that often. At one point, I end up grabbing Eddie’s outstretched arm and spin him to me. In perfect timing, I sing, “Beats so sick!” right as he’s dipped in my arms. His face looks petrified when I drop him. Looking up, I see Jerry grab Kim’s hands. They jump and spin in a circle, all the while continuing to sing. Her head cocks backward, laughing, and her soaked, blonde locks fly out.

            When the music slows in the bridge, we all simultaneously move in slow motion. Eddie gets up, Milton does the double fist roll, Jerry’s got his signature sideways-dance-walk completed, and Kim’s doing ‘her jam’ dance. It’s much more…tolerable now that it’s in slow-mo. I head past the Latino boy with the typical exaggerated walk. As the band begins singing again, I reach her and grab her small hands. She turns to me, everyone still slow, and takes mine. I spin her to me, where she has her back pressed against my chest with our arms still linked at her stomach.

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