Frustrated and Firefighters

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  • Dedicated to To the camp ground where I started this story from!

Heyyyy lovelies! So So Sooooo sorry it's been so long. i had the WORST case of writers block but i recently went back to the camp grounds where i based the begginning of this story so hizz-ah! i'm back! I'm soooo close to finishing this and i thank all of you that have still stuck with it! you closure will come soon, my dear! Dedication to the camp ground for getting my mind out of the quick sand! Back to the storyyyyyy:

Chapter 16


Kim's POV:

            "Oh my gosh! She already thinks you're hot. Why wouldn't she go out with you?" I say for what feels like the millionth time.

            "Maybe because I'm only going to be here for 2 1/2 months and she MIGHT want something more long lasting!" Brody exclaims in the middle of chemistry class. Eddie agreed to switch with me for the day so I could talk to my friend and he could try his 'playa' moves on Cassidy McLain. It doesn't look like it's working out all too well.

            "Donna Tobin is a hot girl that could get any guy she wants with a snap of her fingers, so a 2 1/2 month fling could be QUITE a commitment for her." Jack interjects from the lab station in front of us.


            "Any guy except me, of course!"

            I roll my eyes and lean forward to gently smack him upside the head, "I meant it because she's a good friend of mine and you are making Brody think that she gets around...but you better not be one of those guys, now that you mention it!"

            "I said she COULD get around not that she does! And I'm not, I'm not." Jack and Brody share a small laugh together at my expense, which I think is the most friendly thing that has every happened between the two of them. Jerry interrupts with a poke to my boyfriend.

            "Um...Jack. I don't know what just happened..."

            "Oh my gosh, Jer! How did you even manage to overflow something? We are only working with microscopes today!" Quickly, our teacher, Mr. Shuw, runs over to help clean up the mess. Foggy bubbles soon cover their entire station and drip onto the linoleum floor. The flow of bubbles doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon either.

            "Sorry, sorry!" Jerry yells. He grabs a pitcher and fills it up with water from the sink nearby, "Here, let me try and wash it away!"

            "NO!" Mr. Shuw, Milton, and Julie scream in unison. It's too late. The Latino's hand is tipped too far to bring it back now. Brody grabs me around the waist and yanks me off the stool. We crouch behind our lab station as the strange blue smoke that filled the bubbles is released into the air by the heavy water droplets. All of us know the drill and we begin rushing out of the classroom on our hands and knees. The rule is whoever is the first one out gets to pull the fire alarm. So being sophisticated, mature, high-schoolers...everyone charges out to pull the lever at once. The only unspoken rule is that you have to crawl.

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