16| The final meeting

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 A/N: part of the same flashback •• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

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A/N: part of the same flashback
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It has come to my attention that I would have headed into the mission a lot earlier than I had anticipated. It was something about the underground east algorithm and the way the trafficking victims were one by one dying by results of wounds that had my heart racing.

I told Silas and the twins everything Isaiah had told me back in the communication margin. And because clearly, I had been anticipated in the east, there was a chance I could have been on that flight to Taiwan before the business party even began.

She agreed to be the 'debt collector' for Isaiah in exchange for the information he promised. At least now I had just a little something off my shoulders while waiting for the go to head to the cotillion.

As for now, I could have only stayed in my head for so long.

I downed a bottle of gingerale immediately after Cairo had left me alone in my room. The bitter aftertaste of the Zyprexa was never one worth enjoying. If I could have physically attempted at regurgitating the capsule I would have.

Tossing it to the side, more than empty enough to throw in the garbage, I headed towards where I had assumed everyone was. Considering the foyer was now empty; they could have been a third into the meeting at the moment.

The sides of my head pulsate the moment I reach the door to the hall. Will only my right hand free, I attempt at massaging the sensation away. My attempts fall futile when I walk a further two steps.

The faint heartbeat that follows me on occasion is no longer present as I enter the hallway where two people find me. At the foot of the stairs, Immediately I am greeted by my half-sister's arrogant presence who does speak to a member of my grandfather's authority order.

I do remember her mouthing a 'we need to talk' before I had met up with Trusova a couple days ago. But it didn't serve as an importance to linger in my mind like everything else had.

The urge to plug my ears to drown out the song of my heartbeat is impossibly strong.

As Vault clears her throat of possible frogs, or semen seeing as though she's always roaming around wealthy men in above-surfaced spaces. Pivoting on her foot, the man in which she had exchanged communication was gone.

Her focus had narrowed down to me.

Quietly, I lead and she follows towards the door on the end of this dark narrow hall.

A smile as real as a barbie doll makes its way onto the features we had shared to a minimum. Black strands drape over her head with the finest honey-blonde on her bottom row. They were more highlights than a genetic feature–Anyone could tell that much.

Hithering closer and closer my way, I notice her lips part as soon as the beam falls neutral. About to open her mouth to say some smart ass snarky remark knowing good and well what had recently went down with Cairo and my dose. I retract my steps, halting her vocalization on the matter.

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