Part 36

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"I think that one worked.." Kate proudly says, and I can't help but agree. I'm so pleased she decided to give Robert a call to get him to come to the party. It's exactly what Daniel needed to see.

"How did you.." I ask and she lets out a chuckle.

"I could see how it was getting to you.. thankfully Robert gave Jake his number when we were out the other day.. and I was able to give him a call.."

"And you came.." I turn to Robert.. "Thank you.."

"You should have told me about Daniel, I'd have come straight here if had known.."

"I just didn't want you to worry.."  I try but he cups my cheek with his palm.. softly storming my cheek.. "But I'm glad you're here.."

"I can't believe he's here.. and with her.."

"Well.. I'm here now so you don't have to worry about that.. how about a dance?" He asks, nodding to where people are dancing together. I can't help but smirk when he takes my hand leading me over.. I look over to Daniel who's now been ditched by Tina, and he's stood watching us, he can't take his eyes off us, I give Robert a little kiss when we meet as he holds my waist, swaying us gently to the music that is playing.. "I know you didn't tell Kate, I asked and you wouldn't tell me earlier but what did Daniel say to you to make you so upset?"

"It doesn't matter.." I try but he's not having any of it, he brings us to a stop, and let's go of my waist as he lifts my head with a finger under my chin.

"Tell me.." he asks, and I look up to meet his eyes, he's caring, he's incredibly beautiful.. and I have no choice as he's giving me those eyes. The puppy dog eyes.

"Okay.." I sigh.. "He told me that you would realise that I'm a pathetic excuse of a person, and that I belong to him, which isn't true.. I swear.."

"He truly believes you belong to him? What planet does he live on?" He laughs a little.. "And he really said you're a pathetic excuse of a person? What way is that to talk about a lady huh? Idiot.."

"I'm sorry Robert.."

"Hey! What have you gotta be sorry for?"

"For what he said, I just hope you don't believe him.."

"Now.. stop that.." he strokes my cheek, leaning a little closer.. "No matter what he thinks, or believes.. I think you are beautiful and the most wonderful woman I've ever met.. and I love you with all my heart.."

"I love you too..I really do.."

"I know.." he leans in to steal a kiss, that warmth from his mouth, that familiar exciting feeling that I get when his lips touch mine.. his arm snakes around my waist and pulls me into him.. as we bump chests, I can't help but look over to see Daniel and Tina having a disagreement in the distance.. I smile a little before meeting Robert's eyes again.. those big brown eyes looking back at me.. "What?" He smirks.

"You.. and that way you've just looked at me.." I blush a little at him.. "There's a sparkle in your eyes.."

"That's because when I looked you, you make my heart skip a beat.."

"Oh stop it.." I blush a little harder that time at his words.. "You keep making me go all funny inside.."

"Oh do I now?" He grins, leaning closer to whisper in my ear.. "Does your friend have a spare room?"

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