Chapter 1: Enrollment

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I close my laptop and shake my head, wanting nothing to do with school at the moment. I can let Tyler enroll us. I out the device back in its bag and walk upstairs, listening to the guys chat animatedly and freshen up for the day. I feel two arms wrap themselves around my waist making me jump a little. I turn around with them still wrapped around my waist and feel soft lips crash against mine. I pull away to look into his saphire eyes.

" Good morning to you too. " I say, my hands on his shoulders.

He smiles his bright smile and runs his fingers through my hair. " Good morning beautiful. Sleep well? "

Sleep well? How can I sleep when the thought of school still claws at my mind?

" Yeah. I slept well. You? " I respond, my hearts screaming at me to tell him the thruth but my mind says otherwise.

He makes a thoughtful expression before planting a kiss on my forehead. He takes my hand and twirls me around. I gasp, not expecting that. Adam drops his toothbrush in the toothbrush holder before seeing us.

" Eeeewwwww, what are you guys doing? You know that's only cute when me and Karla do that! " he says, and Karla's movements froze as she looks up at us with a thoothbrush held in her mouth.

We laugh and Ian places one last kiss on my lips for a brief moment. " Get a room!" exclaims Adam.

I laugh. " Has anyone seen Nicole? " I ask, my eyes scanning the room.

They all shake their heads and I sigh. I walk to her room and ooen the door slowly, it creaking under my touch. Her room is already brught with sunlight and there she is, a big sleeping lump on her bed. I roll my eyes and walk over to her, not being careful to wake her up. She needs to do that anyways.

I flao my wings twice, and her silk blankets fly off. That doesn't wake her up. I decide to use the one thing that will wake her up. The one thing she loves most.

I bend down and whisper in her ear," If you don't get up I'm going to eat your Nutella. And then where will you be without it? " Her head bolted straight up and her face looked bewildered for a second before looking at me.

" Hoe dare you use my Nutella aga8nst me I'm ashamed of you. " she says playfully and I wag my short tail and curl up my wings in excitement.

She gets up and gathers her clothes. I walk out and head downstairs. Nicole follows me shortly after and wags her tail when she hears her brother, Adam, walk downstairs. She grabs a bucket and waits for him. When he turns the corner, she slaps ghe bucket on his head and pushes him roughly on the couch. She falls down laughing and the others grab a blanket and wraps him in it tightly.

Nicole gets ip quickly and sits on him, beckoning the rest of us to sit along with her. We happily accept the offer and jump ontop of him.

" If you stop struggling we will get off!!" Nicole exclaims and soon enough he stops struggling and we all get off. Well, the get off. Ian picks me up and sets me down, aware of my leg problems. I thank him and plant a kiss on his cheek.

Adam slowly but surely gets out of the blanket and bucket. He looks at us, his face red, before laughing uncontrolably. Ian looks at me and back at everyone else. I fiddle with my dogtags while watching.

" Tyler, can you make me some brotato tots please? " Nicole asks, sticking out her bottim lip and her golden hair framing her face.

Tyler laughs. " Sure but only because one, you're my girlfriend and two, you said please." he says, planting a kiss on her cheek before skipping into the kitchen.

" Jerome!! " Nicole called.

Jerome walks downstairs, earning a gentle slap from Nicole. I walk up next to her, looking down at her. " That's for eating my cookies."

Jerome looks at me with a shocked expression. I just shrug. " And we need to change schools with Karla."

My ears go down and my wings go down too. I can't believ she just did that.

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