13: Abs and Torture.... and maybe answers.

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   I trudged into the principles office, as I was called in by the principal because Kevin broke a kid's arm. I tried to hide the pride in my voice when I replied, saying how I would be over shortly after school ended. I told Kevin to wait outside, and then I knocked on the door before entering with permission. 

    " And... you are? I asked for Kevin's parents." She said, her suit really making me want to punch her and put her in sonething else, because she looks like a person who asks for a beating.

   I smiled at her. " I am. I'm.... his... guardian." I said.

  She seemed taken aback. " Y-you sure?"

  I nodded my head. " Yep. One hundred percent. Now. I have to get back to my studies soon. So what was it Kevin did? Was it.... break a kid's arm? Now, uhm, may I see a picture of this kid?" I ask.

  She hesitantly takes the photo and hands it to me. I look him over. Well. He certainly doesn't know what a tissue is... or a comb... or a toothbrush for that matter. Oh, but, he does have a Mohawk. All signs of an a hole.

  " Yeap. Kid had it coming. All signs he had it coming. Now, may I ask, did Kevin... by any chance..... break his nose? Punch him?" Is ask.

   She scoffed. " Yes. He showed all violence."

  I smiled. " Yeah. I know. Kevin told me all about it. About how that kid is responsible for his marks and bruises these past few weeks. Do me a favor, and ask more questions. Don't take it from the one who is crying. They probably deserved it. Ask the one who isn't crying what happened. That might work out. Don't do a half ass job on questioning the kids. Alright. Bye. There's a baseball game in the park I am taking Kevin to. Bye. It was nice meeting you. " I said, my memories of my school experience flooding my mind as I spoke to her.

  I had seen Nicole and Karla around at school these past couple months, and it was really freggin awkward. I mean, after all I said and did. But. Such is life. Oh well.

  I took Kevin's hand and we walked outside together. I put him on my  bike, making sure his helmet was on just right, before I drove off. We made it to the motel, and I said hi to Asher, and his brother, leaving Kevin there to talk while I went to a bar for the night. We do this every Saturday.  Kevin stays with the brothers and I get to go and relax at a bar and wash all my problems and feelings down my stomach along with the whiskey.

  I drove and drove, my latex body suit helping awesomely with the wind and bugs, because those hurt like hell when you are going the speed I am going.

  I park my bike at the front if the bar, where I see fat men with beards and sweaty clothes, swinging around their beers and having a laugh. I smile slightly, taking off my helmet and setting it down to my bike, locking both of them down to the ground and walking in, getting looks from the men.... and.... unfortunately, some of the women, too. Well, this won't be fun. At all.

  I walk up to the bartender, and order a shot of whiskey. He smiles, looking me up and down before handing me a shot. " This one's on me. For a hottie like you. " he said.

  I thank him and take a small sip. I listen to the sweet talk guys say to other girls, and sometimes me, and then in near the door open again. I don't pay any attention to it, though. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder. Adam?

   He looks so scared... and ho long has he been running?! " Adam... whats-"

   " Glitch. Listen. They have her. They have her oh God they have her and now they're after me. Glitch.... please help me oh god oh God oh God oh God..." he says rapidly.

  I place my hands on his face. " Who?"

   " They took Nicole. They're torturing her. " He says, looking into my eyes.

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